Book Reviews, fiction 0 comments on The Sleepy Hollow Family Almanac – by Kris D’Agostino

The Sleepy Hollow Family Almanac – by Kris D’Agostino

Calvin Moretti dropped out of college and has returned to his parent’s home. He has student loan debt that he must be find a way to pay off. So, he gets a job in something completely unrelated to what he went to college for.

His father is sick, and has been laid-off from his lifelong career as an airline pilot. His mother tells Calvin that they are behind on the mortgage and could lose the house. The story is fiction, but feels like something that many families have lived through.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on RIP, Morris

RIP, Morris

Our goofy, curious, Morris passed away. He was very much loved by not only me and Shawn, but also our remaining cockatiels. We will miss him!

Shawn wrote about Morris on his blog.

Photo by Shawn Thorpe

This post was originally posted on Book of Jen. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Diablo III, Diablo Videos 0 comments on Season 19: Challenge Rift

Season 19: Challenge Rift

It is always a good idea to try the Challenge Rift at the start of a new Season in Diablo III. Players who are able to complete it before the timer runs out will receive a valuable prize.

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Medium, Trump Lawsuits 1 comment on Trump Derangement Syndrome Does Not Exist

Trump Derangement Syndrome Does Not Exist

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Many people who experience mental health issues seek out help. In general, the person sees a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist who can assess the problem and determine a diagnosis. One thing is absolutely certain – a person seeking mental health care will never be diagnosed with Trump Derangement Syndrome (also referred to as TDS) because it simply does not exist.

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Podcasts, Words of Jen 1 comment on I Know How This Story Ends – Episode 052

I Know How This Story Ends – Episode 052

In this episode, I read a piece of my writing that is about what happens when websites that pay writers start making changes to how they calculate payment. I’ve been through this before. I know how this story ends – and I’m not looking forward to it.

I read “I Know How This Story Ends” on episode 052 of Words of Jen.

If you enjoyed this episode please consider supporting me on Ko-fi. Thank you!