Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on End of Fall Pollen Season 2017

End of Fall Pollen Season 2017

There is no way to be absolutely certain that a pollen season has ended.  I typically declare a pollen season to be over when I’ve had seven days in a row where the pollen was lower than 7. The pollen counts you see above are from September 24-29, 2017.  I would prefer that the pollen drops to below 6 for a while so I can start recovering.

The pollen count for September 30, 2017, was 5.9. That’s great!  I’m hoping it stays that way.  Given the data from the past week, I declare the 2017 Fall pollen season to be over.

Obviously, your pollen count results may be different from mine because you probably live somewhere else. I recommend using Pollen.com as a resource.  Give it your zip code, and it will tell you the pollen count where you live every single day.

While it is never fun to suffer through a pollen season, I feel like I did better than expected this time around.  As I’m typing this blog, it feels like I have a cold – but not a sinus infection.  That could change, so I’m trying to avoid pushing myself.

End of Fall Pollen Season 2017 is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Potatoes


Today was Day 38 of the 2017 Fall pollen season.  I’m still having difficulty eating because of the temporary cap that is in my mouth and all of the dental work that required.

I peeled the four potatoes that Shawn and I bought at the grocery store yesterday.  He made them into mashed potatoes for me.  For the first time in what feels like a very long time, I was able to eat and feel full.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Spacey


Today is Day 37 of the Fall pollen season.  My mouth is still sore from the dental work I had a few days ago.  I’m not really able to chew food yet, and that makes getting enough calories incredibly difficult.

This is the third day in a row where I’ve tried to eat and ended up with less than 1,000 calories anyway.  As in, not even close to 1,000.  The result is I am super spacey and having difficulty focusing on anything.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on On Hold

On Hold

Today was Day 34 of the 2017 Fall pollen season.  I am no longer certain if the severe sinus pain I am feeling is a sinus infection or simply the result of 34 days in a row with pollen counts that are higher than my body can tolerate.

I spent some time on the phone today, on hold, in an attempt to get the vision insurance company to send me a vision insurance card.  The photo above, of a hand that is holding an iPhone, felt like a good visual metaphor for being on hold.  “Hold the phone.”

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Breaking Out the Pumpkin Spice

Breaking Out the Pumpkin Spice

Today was Day 33 of the 2017 Fall pollen season.  Nothing has really changed since yesterday.  I am still exhausted, still fighting a sinus infection, and still waiting for my vision insurance to send me the card so I can use what I’ve been paying for.

The weather is changing and getting cooler.  We don’t really get much seasonal change here in California.  It’s subtle.  Today I enjoyed my first Pumpkin Spice tea of the year in my Diablo III mug.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Nothing Ever Changes

Nothing Ever Changes

Today is Day 31 of the 2017 Fall pollen season.  I’m having a rough day where I’m too exhausted to do much of anything.  It’s frustrating.

The image above comes from Pixabay.  Dandelions are one of my many allergens.  The air is also filled with ragweed pollen right now. I’ve been taking my medications, getting exercise when possible, and trying my best to improve my diet.  Not one bit of that effort matters.  The allergens in the air ensure that I’ll be sick no matter what I do.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on A Good Day for a Drink

A Good Day for a Drink

Today is Day 30 of the 2017 Fall pollen season.  I have been sick from allergies for an entire month straight.  There is no end in sight.

I went outside today so Shawn and I could take a walk to a local restaurant – which just so happens to be a PokéStop. We like to go there around Happy Hour.  My favorite drink from there is a Moscow Mule with Tito’s vodka (which is gluten-free).  The photo is not from today, but it will do.  All Moscow Mules look the same.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Like a Sky Trying to Rain

Like a Sky Trying to Rain

Today was Day 29 of the 2017 Fall pollen season.  I’m moving slower than usual because my body is having trouble coping with the amount of pollen that’s been in the air for about a month now.

I make plans, and sort of meander toward them, not sure if I’ll reach that goal or have to put it off for another day.  Slowly working on it, like a sky that’s trying to rain.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Got Glutened

Got Glutened

Today was Day 28 of the 2017 Fall pollen season.  This was another day where I had difficulty waking up.  The cumulative effect of nearly a month straight of pollen that is too high for my body to cope with is depleting all my energy.

Despite this, I went outside again.  Shawn and I had tickets to see Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in the theater. Fathom Events and Paramount Pictures put it back in theaters to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the movie.  I wasn’t going to let the pollen count make me miss out on this!

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