Today is Day 17 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. The pollen count has passed ten. Tens are painful. My way of coping with this horribly high pollen count was to get a bunch of paid work done after the sun went down, and then go to sleep with the window AC on.
Tag: Fall Pollen Season
Lack of Mobility
Today is Day 15 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. Things started off okay, and went downhill rather quickly in the afternoon. I blame the heat and humidity as well as the pollen count (which was 9.3 today).
There was a point during the day when I thought I was about to pass out from the heat. Humidity causes my joints to swell up, and I’ve been in pain all day long. My eyes are not itching today, so I guess that makes today less awful than yesterday was.
The Smell of Grass
Today is Day 14 of the 2017 Fall pollen season, and I am in allergy hell. One of my eyes is extremely itchy, and the other is even worse. I’ve taken three different allergy medications and haven’t gotten any relief yet. This year’s Fall pollen season escalated quickly.
Today was Day 13 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. The pollen count has officially reached the nines. Previous pollen seasons taught me that nines are painful and make even small physical tasks into exhausting efforts.
Taking the Bus
Today was Day 12 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. I woke up shortly before my alarm went off because I was in pain. Pollen overload can cause me to have severe eye pain that is so bad it wakes me out of a sound sleep.
Days that begin with me feeling around for the medication I take to reduce the pain are horrible. The pain eventually subsides, but I’m never quite “right” after that. Pain is draining.
Today was Day 11 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. The cumulative effect has caught up with me. As a result, I had to cancel plans with Shawn to see a movie in the theater downtown. How many more fun things will this pollen season steal away from me?
Out of Energy
Today was Day 10 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. I am in a lot of pain, but I was expecting that, and somewhat prepared to cope with it. Between the 10 days of too much pollen, and all the cleaning I’ve been doing, I had hit my limit. I was completely out of energy.
There were some good things that happened today. When I’m struggling, I try and find something positive to focus on.
Burst of Productivity Continues
Today was Day 9 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. I have been experiencing bad sinus symptoms for 9 days in a row.
If the past few years are any indication – things are going to get much worse before they get better. This knowledge inspired me to push myself and be as productive as possible.
A Burst of Productivity
Today was Day 8 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. In the past few years, Fall pollen season starts around the middle to end of August, and continues right through September. I can’t recall when it usually ends.
What I am certain of is that the pollen count will get higher – and stay high – for a long, long, time. There aren’t going to be many more days where I am well enough to get basic things done. My strategy is to engage in a burst of productivity on a day where I’m sick – but not completely incapacitated.
All I Want to Do is Sleep
It has been a week! August 23, 2017 was Day 7 of Fall pollen season. Today was rough. I woke up, made sure the cockatiels were fed and watered, and struggled to get any work done. Eventually, I gave up and took a “nap”…. and woke up at 4:00 PM.