Today, the pollen count was 7.8 and it was very windy outside. I woke up sick and already experiencing allergy symptoms – itching eyes. I am still feeling very anemic.
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Seventy-One”Today, the pollen count was 7.8 and it was very windy outside. I woke up sick and already experiencing allergy symptoms – itching eyes. I am still feeling very anemic.
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Seventy-One”Today, the pollen count is 7.5. It’s not great. Ideally, I need the pollen count to be 6 or less for about two weeks – and then I can recover.
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Seventy”Today, the pollen count is 8.0. Spring Pollen Season refuses to end. My sinuses have been burning and hurting for the past three or four days, and nothing I take does anything to change that.
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Sixty-Nine”The pollen count today is 7.8. I was able to stay inside today, and this allowed me to do a little bit of cleaning. Naturally, that resulted in my needing half a Benadryl – which led to a long nap.
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Sixty-Eight”Today’s pollen count is 8.4. I had to go outside today because my body decided now, after sixty-seven days of being overloaded with allergens, was the perfect time to start a hell-period. After several months of almost nothing at all – THIS is the moment my body decides to catch up (or whatever it is trying to do).
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Sixty-Seven”Today’s pollen count is 8.2. It seems to be bouncing between 7 and 8.6 or so. I’m hoping that this means that I won’t have to suffer through any more days where the pollen count is at 9 or 10 (at least, not during this particular pollen season).
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Sixty-Six”Today, the pollen count is 7.6. I’m hoping this is a sign that Spring Pollen Season is coming to an end soon. I need the pollen to go below 6 for about two weeks – and then I will feel better.
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Sixty-Five”Today, the pollen count is 8.3.
Yesterday, a relative gave us some stuff that was in bags. The relative is very kind, but lives in a house that has a lot of allergens in it. They couldn’t possibly know that the scent on the bag (from the scented stuff in the house) would make me sick. But it did. It took me hours to figure out that the scented bag was making me sick.
Today, the pollen count is 8. Not good.
I woke up sick because I did some dusting last night (in an effort to reduce indoor allergens.)
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Sixty-Three”Look at that. LOOK AT THAT! The pollen count is a delightful 4.2!
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Rain Delay!”