Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Theme Week – “Eyeburners”

Flight Rising: Theme Week – “Eyeburners”

Flight Rising has started doing Theme Weeks in the Dragon Share Forums.  Participate, and you get to show off your dragons that fit the theme.  Theme Week number 4 is Eyeburners!

In other words, share your dragons who have colors so bright, or color combinations so mismatched, that they are hard to look at.  Here’s mine!  All of the artwork you see in this post are copyright of Flight Rising.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Circuit Breaker Achievement Fail (Again)!

Flight Rising: Circuit Breaker Achievement Fail (Again)!

Flight Rising is a game where you manage a Lair filled with dragons.  I’ve been working on earning the breeding achievements.  My second attempt to earn the Circuit Breaker Achievement has resulted in yet another fail!

This means I will have to try once more.   All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Theme Week – Deities!

Flight Rising: Theme Week – Deities!

What can you do with a Flight Rising dragon that you really need to get out of your Dragon Lair? One option is to exalt it.  When that happens, the dragon goes to live with one of the many dragon Deities.

Flight Rising has started doing really fun Theme Weeks in the “Dragon Share” Forum.  The theme for Week 3 is: Deities! All of the artwork you see in this post are copyright of Flight Rising.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 1 comment on Flight Rising: Theme Week – Familiars

Flight Rising: Theme Week – Familiars

Flight Rising has started doing some really fun, interactive, forum posts for players to participate in.  They are doing theme weeks in the “Dragon Share” Forum.  Share your dragons that fit the theme of the week by posting their images into the Forum.

This week (the second theme week in Flight Rising) is Familiars. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Glossy Finish Achievement Fail!

Flight Rising: Glossy Finish Achievement Fail!

Flight Rising is a game where you manage an ever growing group of dragons. There are plenty of achievements in this game. Some of them deal with breeding. Put two dragons together, hope they produce a baby with a “special” gene, earn an achievement!

I tried to earn the Glossy Finish Achievement, but my dragons didn’t cooperate. Achievement fail! I’ll have to try again. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Theme Week – Food

Flight Rising: Theme Week – Food

Flight Rising has a section in the Forums called “Dragon Share”. No, it isn’t where to go to literally start “sharing” a dragon between two or more players. Instead, players go here to show off their dragons by posting images of them.

The very first every Theme Week in Dragon Share was “food”. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: My Familiar is at Max

Flight Rising: My Familiar is at Max

You can assign any Familiar to any of your Flight Rising dragons.  (The only exception is if you get more than one of a particular type of Familiar.  Only one can be used by your dragons).  Check in every day and click on each Familiar.  They will give you treasure, and the occasional chest full of random stuff.

I had noticed that my Familiars were leveling.  What happens when my Familiar is at Max level? All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Circuit Breaker Achievement Fail!

Flight Rising: Circuit Breaker Achievement Fail!

Flight Rising is a game where you manage a Lair full of dragons.  Breed two of them together, and they might produce offspring that have a “special” gene.  I’ve been working my way through the Breeding Achievements in the game.

This time, I tried to get a pair of dragons to produce a baby that had the Circuit gene.  This attempt failed!   All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: The Quadruplet Baby Dragons Grew Up

Flight Rising: The Quadruplet Baby Dragons Grew Up

Recently, I blogged about my attempt to earn two of the breeding achievements in the Flight Rising game.  I put a pair of dragons together, and they produced quadruplets.  (There is no Achievement associated with getting your dragons to produce four babies in one nest).

Three of the babies had the genes I needed for the either the Sun Flecked Achievement or the Dappled Achievement.  The babies have now grown into some very nice looking adult dragons. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Baby Dragons Growing Bigger

Flight Rising: Baby Dragons Growing Bigger

Flight Rising is a game where you collect dragons, let them grow up, and breed them.  As a result, you end up with a whole lot of baby dragons.  It’s fun to see what each baby dragon ends up looking like when he or she becomes an adult.

In this blog, I am going to catch up with my collection of baby dragons who have grown into big dragons.  Some of them turned out really pretty!  All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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