So, I’m just going to go ahead and assume that the pollen count will NEVER go down low enough, for long enough, to make me feel better. This is my new “normal” and it sucks.
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Forty-Three (Part 2)”So, I’m just going to go ahead and assume that the pollen count will NEVER go down low enough, for long enough, to make me feel better. This is my new “normal” and it sucks.
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Day Forty-Three (Part 2)”Still mostly nocturnal – trying to get writing work done before the sun comes up and makes the plants fill the air with pollen.
Still sleeping through most of the afternoon
Woke up with eye pain again. I have something I can take to make the pain go away. Would be better if the pollen count didn’t affect my allergies so badly – while I am sleeping – that I end up with eye pain.
I’m never quite right after waking up with eye pain.
Not sure if I’m tired of writing these little “captain’s log” posts about Spring Pollen Season 2017 – or if I’m just plain TIRED of pollen season itself.
Today’s pollen count is 10.1 – a very high number that probably is affecting people who don’t even have pollen allergies.
I started my day with half a Benadryl, which didn’t even touch my symptoms.
Fell asleep and woke up with eye pain – the WORST symptom I get during pollen season. Waking up with eye pain is exhausting because pain is exhausting and messes me up for the rest of the day.
The plan was to go grocery shopping today. Maybe I can try after the sun goes down? Signs point to “no”.
This needs to end. I think it would be mentally easier to cope with Spring Pollen Season if I knew, for certain, when it would end.
The only way I’m getting work done is by sleeping most of the day and writing frantically after the sun has gone down.
When the pollen count hits 9 (or anything higher than that) I spend the entire time with itching eyes, sinuses on fire, and wheezing.
I’m struggling. There is no end in sight. One of these years, Spring Pollen Season is going to cause my death.
We have had 83 days in 2017. About half of mine (40, to be exact) have been ruined by the pollen count.
I went outside today with my husband for about 15 minutes or so. I wasn’t recovered from the 9.9 pollen count from yesterday (when I had to go outside because I had a doctor’s appointment). I shouldn’t have gone outside today – or any day that is above a pollen count of 6.
This screenshot of today’s pollen count looks different from the ones I have included in previous Spring Pollen Season 2017 posts.
The reason is simple – I had a rheumatology appointment today, which meant I had to go outside on a day when the pollen count was 9.9. Obviously, this resulted in a long, long, nap when I got back home. I wasn’t able to take a screenshot until after Pollen.com moved on to the next day. Oops.
I haven’t felt right all day, physically, because I’m overloaded with pollen and inflammation due to my allergic reaction to pollen.
Today, the pollen count was a 7, which is lower than yesterday’s 7.2. I need it to be a 6 or below, for about two weeks straight, before I can recover from pollen season.
Our new cockatiel decided today was the day to move into the big cage with our flock of cockatiels. I’ve never seen a bird transition from “brand new to us” to “like he’s always been here” so fast. That went well!
Today’s pollen count was 7.2, which isn’t good for me but is heading in the right direction. I need about two weeks straight of the pollen count being 6 or lower before I can get better.
It rained a little bit today, on and off, which also provided intermittent help.
The pollen count is 7.4, which isn’t good for me. It’s better than the nine previous days (where the pollen count was between 9.0 and 10.4).
Mother Nature took pity on me and allowed a reasonable amount of rain to fall. She knocked some pollen out of the air for me, and I am breathing a bit better than I have been.
My body tries to hibernate when the pollen count is in the 10s.
I’ve been asleep all day, and woke up just in time to take my antihistamine.
My husband is holding down the fort while I’m incapacitated.