Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Bigger Dragons

Flight Rising: Bigger Dragons

My Flight Rising dragons have grown since my last post. Some of this automatically happens as they age into adulthood. The rest comes from my efforts to level them in the coliseum. Here’s an update on what I’ve been up to with my dragons. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising. Continue Reading “Flight Rising: Bigger Dragons”

Flight Rising, Other Video Games 1 comment on Flight Rising: Finding Homes for Baby Dragons

Flight Rising: Finding Homes for Baby Dragons

Flight Rising allows you to breed your dragons. I have learned that it is impracticable to keep all of the babies that are produced. What can you do with the extra babies? I decided to see if I could find them homes. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

Last time, I mentioned that I had two dragons that were nesting. There were three eggs in the nest, and I knew that I wasn’t going to keep all the babies.

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TrialMan Challenge, World of Warcraft 0 comments on TrialMan Challenge – Day 8

TrialMan Challenge – Day 8

At the end of Day 7, I left Nazuga, who had been transformed into a bat, hovering over a bed at the end of a long day. His adventure through the TrialMan Challenge continues with Day 8.

After a very long, and restful, sleep, Nazuga awoke. He was delighted to discover that he was still in the form of a bat. Something about being transformed made him feel as though he was a powerful Mage. Today was going to be a great day!

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Breeding and Battle

Flight Rising: Breeding and Battle

I am still very amused with the Flight Rising game. Part of what attracts me to it is, of course, that it has dragons. Mostly, though, it is the awesome artwork that keeps things interesting. Here is a quick update on what I’ve been doing in Flight Rising since the last time I posted about it. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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health insurance, Out of Spoons 0 comments on What Health Insurance Was Like Before Obamacare

What Health Insurance Was Like Before Obamacare

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (which was also called ACA or Obamacare) was passed on March 21, 2010. President Barack Obamacare signed it into law on March 23, 2010. People were able to sign up for “Obamacare” plans on Marketplaces starting in October of 2013. Those plans kicked in on January 1, 2014.

Because of Obamacare, Americans who previously were unable to afford health insurance coverage were able to do so – some for the first time in their lives.  People with low-income qualified for subsidies that could be used to cover part or all of the premiums of plans found in the Marketplace.  Medicaid was expanded (in several states) to cover more poor people.

In this blog, I will give a timeline of what it was like to attempt to get health insurance coverage before Obamacare.  The timeline is based on my own experiences as an adult who was trying to find affordable health insurance that actually covered things.

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health insurance, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Our “Obamacare” Story

Our “Obamacare” Story

Shawn and I signed up for “Obamacare” yesterday, and we got a really good health plan for a very affordable price. I wanted to share this story for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted our story to serve as a counterpoint to the hysteria that is being passed around about canceled health plans and skyrocketing rates.

The other reason I wanted to share our story was because it directly relates to our efforts to get out of debt. We got a health plan that covers both of us for just a little bit more than the cost of a plan that was only covering me.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 2 comments on Flight Rising: Dragon Mates

Flight Rising: Dragon Mates

My original dragon, Shadowspawn, and her mate, Bob, had babies. They had two eggs, and the dragons that hatched from them turned out to be females. Today, I decided to use the Flight Rising Auction House and purchase a mate for each of them. All of the artwork you see in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

Continue Reading “Flight Rising: Dragon Mates”