Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Act III Achievements (Season 1)

Act III Achievements (Season 1)

This blog is part of the series I am doing about my progress through Season 1 of Diablo III.  I started this Season with a brand new Barbarian named Gurr.  There are some Leaderboards in the game, but I didn’t honestly expect to be on any of them.

Instead, I am using the blogs I make about Season 1 as my way of showing what I accomplished.  If I end up doing another Season, it will be these blogs I compare my progress to.

Previously, I made a blog about Gurr the Barbarian’s experience through Act III in Story Mode (Normal Difficulty).  I showed the Legendary loot he found, the levels he earned, and the monsters he fought.  In this one, I’m going to focus on the Achievements he earned during his first trip through Act III.  The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on September 4, 2014, and September 5, 2014.
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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 1 comment on Flight Rising: Hibernal Starbear

Flight Rising: Hibernal Starbear

The Hibernal Starbear was part of the 2014 Starfall Celebration in Flight Rising.  It is an annual event that takes place at the end of September.  This year, all of the Holiday Familiars are bears. (Last year the holiday Familiars were a series of Sprites).

The best time to pick up any holiday Familiar is when the Elemental Festival it is connected with is active.  Miss it, and you are going to have a much harder time trying to collect that one.  All of the artwork in this post is a copyright of Flight Rising.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Gurr’s Adventure through Act III (Season 1)

Gurr’s Adventure through Act III (Season 1)

This is part of the series I am doing that shows my progress through Season 1 of Diablo III. I rolled a Barbarian and named him Gurr. I started out with two goals – to get through all the Story Mode content and to hit Level 70. If I managed to do that before Season 1 ended, my plan was to come up with new goals.

This blog shows the adventure of Gurr the Barbarian as he went through Act III for the first time. He was in Story Mode and in Normal Difficulty. I figured that if there was time I could always re-do Story Mode at a harder difficulty. The screenshots you see in this blog are from September 4, 2014, and September 5, 2014.
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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on Are there any Regrets from your Time in Game?

Are there any Regrets from your Time in Game?

This blog is part of the series I am writing because I wanted to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project. I completed some of the questions before the deadline, and decided to finish the rest anyway.

The questions are giving me a reason to do some writing about the World of Warcraft game, my experiences in it, and thoughts about it.  Answering the questions is also giving me a reason to put something else on this blog, which is nice.

Question 9: Are there any regrets from your time in game?

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Act II with “Cheese” (Season 1)

Act II with “Cheese” (Season 1)

This blog is part of the series I am doing that shows my progress through Season 1 in Diablo III. I’m not entirely certain that I will do another Season, so it seemed like a good idea to blog about this one. If I end up doing another Season, someday, these blogs will be what I compare my progress to.

The previous two blogs were about progress made, and Achievements earned, in Act II by my seasonal character. Gurr the Barbarian went all the way through Act II in Story Mode (Normal difficultly) by himself. Then, he returned to help his buddy Qiz through it. Qiz is my husband Shawn’s Seasonal character. He is a Monk – so the first part of his name is Qi. It is pronounced “Chee”. The Z on the end means his name is pronounced “Cheese”.

The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on September 13, 2014 and September 20, 2014. There is a “gap” between when Gurr the Barbarian was last in Act II and his return, so this isn’t exactly in chronological order.
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Book Reviews, fiction 0 comments on Broken – by Traci L. Slatton

Broken – by Traci L. Slatton

Imagine feeling a deep and unending loneliness, one that is so strong that it compels you to leave everything you’ve ever known. This is where the main character, Alia, is at – emotionally speaking – at the start of Broken. The loss of a loved one, a person she was deeply connected to, is what started her extreme loneliness. This painful experience has caused her to question why God permits atrocities to happen. One might say she has lost her faith, but that wouldn’t be entirely accurate.

Now, reread the first paragraph with the knowledge that Alia is a fallen angel. The emptiness and hopelessness she feels compel her to leave heaven in search of something that will fill her. She becomes a mortal woman and puts herself in a location, and time period, that is certain to evoke strong emotions. Alia is in France as World War II is starting.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Get Crackin! Achievement

Flight Rising: Get Crackin! Achievement

Flight Rising is a game where you manage a Lair full of dragons.  One of the things you can do with them is breed them to make more dragons.  If you put together parent dragons that produce offspring with a “special” gene, you end up earning an achievement.

I have learned, through trial and error, that the best way to ensure you will get the breeding achievement you are after is to pair up two parent dragons who each have the “special” gene that corresponds to the achievement.

It only took me one try to earn the Get Crackin! Achievement.  This is because I waited to attempt it until I could breed two dragons who had the Crackle gene.  All the artwork you see in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Act II – Achievements (Season 1)

Act II – Achievements (Season 1)

This blog is part of the series I am putting together about my experiences in Season 1 of Diablo III. It is my way of keeping a record of my progress and making my own, personal, Leaderboard (of sorts). If I do another season, I will compare my progress to how I did during Season 1.

In this blog, I focus on the Achievements that Gurr the Barbarian got as he worked his way through Act II. For his first run through, I put him in Story Mode and Normal difficulty. The screenshots that you see in this blog were taken on August 30, 2014, August 31, 2014, September 2, 2014 and September 3, 2014.
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