Hi there! I’m Jen, and this is my website. I am a professional freelance blogger, and you can find my paid work on other people’s websites.
If you would like to pay me to write something for your website, we can talk about that. I do not accept offers to write for “exposure”.
If you see something on Book of Jen that you would like to have me crosspost to your website, we can talk about that, too.
If you didn’t bother to ask first, and have stolen something you saw on Book of Jen – you will be receiving an invoice. My fee for work that has been taken without permission starts at $100.00.
Book of Jen is the home of Words of Jen, a podcast where I read one of my own, original, pieces of writing to you in each episode. The music used in Words of Jen comes from a song called “The Right Way” that my husband, Shawn, and I recorded several years ago.
Book of Jen is also the home of Jen’s Lore Corner, a podcast that started out as a segment on the Shattered Soulstone podcast. In Jen’s Lore Corner, I re-released those segments as full episodes. Brand new content about the lore of the Diablo series of video games started with Episode 010. The music for Jen’s Lore Corner was created by Shawn Thorpe. [NOTE: Jen’s Lore Corner has been moved to the Shattered Soulstone website]
Book of Jen is where you can find my Diablo III game play videos – which I have been releasing as podcast episodes. Some of the longer videos are released on YouTube or Twitch and then embedded into the Book of Jen blog later.
I believe that a healthy comment section is one that is well tended, like a garden. All comments on Book of Jen are moderated, so be patient after posting one. They will not immediately appear.
Comments that provide interesting insight, that are on-topic, and that are not spam will be posted. Comments that are spam, off-topic, or just plain mean, will be deleted. There are some posts in which I disallow comments.
Those who would like to support me can do so on Ko-Fi. I also have a Redbubble where you can purchase masks, t-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and more with my own, original, artwork on it.