Flight Rising has started doing Theme Weeks in the Dragon Share Forums.  Participate, and you get to show off your dragons that fit the theme.  Theme Week number 4 is Eyeburners!

In other words, share your dragons who have colors so bright, or color combinations so mismatched, that they are hard to look at.  Here’s mine!  All of the artwork you see in this post are copyright of Flight Rising.

I think the color combinations of these dragons qualify them as “eyeburners”:

Hewlett is a female Guardian.
Primary: Tomato Basic
Secondary: Purple Basic
Tertiary: Splash Basic

Chicago is a male Imperial.
Primary: Caribbean Tiger
Secondary: Fire Eye Spots
Tertiary: Forest Basic

Serifys is a female Imperial.
Primary: Thistle Clown
Secondary: Red Seraph
Tertiary: Azure Basic

Sasafrass is a male Mirror.
Primary: Fire Tiger
Secondary: Royal Freckle
Tertiary: Golden Underbelly

As always with a Theme Week, I recommend you go check out the Forum to see what dragons all the other players shared.  I find it fun to see what the different dragons look like.

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