The Dusk Dragons Collection is one of many collections that players can complete in Dragon Mania Legends. All of the dragons in this collection have the Dusk element. Each of the dragons also has one additional element. The reward for completing this collection is 15 Gems.
At the time I completed this collection, only 9.0% of players had completed it. I don’t typically set out to complete a collection all at once. Instead, I try and figure out what dragons I can breed to get the dragons that I don’t have yet. There are many other things you can do with the dragons in Dragon Mania Legends.

This is what a Fungus Dragon Egg looks like.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that the Fungus Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon. It can be obtained by breeding together two Dragons that together have the Shadow and Plant Elements. Players must be Level 44 before they can breed a Fungus Dragon.

You’ve collected a new dragon! It’s surprising the Fungus Dragon is SO popular considering the strange smell it emits. The other dragons must think it’s a REALLY “fun-guy”!

This is what a Fungus Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Dusk Element and the Plant Element, so it can be placed in either a Dusk Habitat or a Plant Habitat. Fungus Dragons are Common.
I failed to take a screenshot of what the baby Fungus Dragon looks like in a Habitat. It looks exactly like the little hatchling in the above screenshot.

This is what an adult Fungus Dragon looks like. The mushroom on its head has grown a stem. It has several smaller mushrooms growing on its head, back, and tail. There are some green areas that look as though a fungus is growing on it in places.

This is what a Reaper Dragon Egg looks like.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says the Reaper Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon which can be obtained by breeding two Dragons who together have the Shadow and Metal Elements. Players must reach Level 44 before they can breed a Reaper Dragon.

You’ve collected a new dragon! The Reaper Dragon may look intimidating, but it’s a very friendly fellow. It greets this trainer by wagging its tail whenever he comes home… So, THAT’S how all those scratches appeared on the kitchen floor!

This is what a baby Reaper Dragon looks like. This dragon has the Dusk Element and the Metal Element, so it could be placed into either a Dusk Habitat or a Metal Habitat. I had some room in the Dusk Habitat, so that is where I decided to put this dragon.

This is what an adult Reaper Dragon looks like. Its horns have grown much bigger and they are curved now. There are at least three tombstones growing on this dragon’s back. Red roses, on brown vines, grow around them and down the dragon’s tail. The scythe on the end of its tail has grown sharper. The Reaper Dragon’s eyebrows have become larger, giving it a menacing look.

This is what a Dark Matter Dragon egg looks like.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says the Dark Matter Dragon is a normally-breedable Dragon which can be obtained through the breeding of two Dragons who together have the Shadow and Energy Elements. A player must be Level 44 before they can breed a Dark Matter Dragon.

You’ve collected a New Dragon! This trainer would doubt the presence of the Dark Matter Dragon, if not for the gravitational pull it exerts on any and all cookies in his house.

This is what a Dark Matter Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Dusk Element and the Energy Element. It can be placed into either a Dusk Habitat or an Energy Habitat. The Dark Matter Dragon is Common.

Here is a baby Dark Matter Dragon in a Dusk Habitat. It looks just like it did as a hatchling. This dragon’s head and back are covered in an unnatural looking fire. The top of its head is dark purple and red and its mouth is light blue. Its body uses the same colors. The Dark Matter Dragon’s eye matches its glowing egg.

This is what an adult Dark Matter Dragon looks like. It has grown larger and can now curl up part of its snake-like body. The flames that start at its head and move down the edge of its spine are more prominent. Its colors are the same as before. The eye of this dragon gives it an angry look.

This is what a Nightmare Dragon Egg looks like.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says the Nightmare Dragon is a normally-breedable Dragon. It can be obtained from breeding two Dragons that together have the Shadow Element and the Void Element. Players must be Level 44 before they can breed a Nightmare Dragon.

This is what a Nightmare Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Dusk Element and the Void Element, so it can be placed into either a Dusk Habitat or a Void Habitat. The Nightmare Dragon is Common.

This is what a baby Nightmare Dragon looks like. There are spikes growing out of its head, that appear to be poking through a leather helmet. It’s face resembles a skull. The back of this dragon looks like it is made up of leather straps that have been attached to the bottom half with rivets. The yellow bottom half of the dragon has stitches. The tail of the Nightmare Dragon resembles a small chainsaw.

This is what an adult Nightmare Dragon looks like. The spikes on his head now look like razor blade. His face still looks like a skull. This dragon glares at you. The body of the dragon has gotten longer, and has a second curl to its snake-like body. The bottom of its tail now clearly looks like a chainsaw. (Groovy!)
Dragon Mania Legends: Dusk Dragons Collection is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites. If you enjoyed this blog post please consider supporting me on Ko-fi. Thank you!