Flight Rising has festivals where players can collect interesting items and apparel to dress up their dragons in. The Flameforger’s Festival started on August 27, 2023, and will end on September 3, 2023.

Poppy of Flameforger – Familiar: The poppies are in full bloom each Flameforger’s Festival! (Flameforger’s Festival 2023 Holiday Item).

Spires of Flame – Apparel: To be worn with great care. (Flameforger’s Festival 2023 Holiday Item.)

Sunshine is a female Guardian dragon. She is wearing the Spires of Flame apparel.

Maphala is a female Wildclaw dragon. She is wearing the Lavaweave skin – which was designed by Talonmaster.

Sabine is a male Veilspun dragon. He is wearing the Moth to Flame skin – which was designed by Kaenith.

Achoo is a male Coatl dragon. He is wearing the Eye of Eternal Flame skin – which was designed by RAVENt.

Trixibelle is a female Fae dragon. She is wearing the Dance Like Firefae skin – which was designed by MythicalViper.

Cinnamon is a female Nocturne dragon. She is wearing the Hot Headed skin – which was designed by iconoclasm.

Esmerelda is a female Tundra dragon. She is wearing the Copperforge Decor skin – which was created by WildGazebo.

Shadowspawn is a female Guardian dragon. She is wearing the Molten Molting skin – which was designed by Vide.

Azra is a female Banescale dragon. She is wearing the Amplifier skin – which was designed by limeypie.

Salud is a female Coatl dragon. She is wearing the Forger’s Visage skin – which was designed by Saerino.

Sassafras is a male Mirror dragon. He is wearing the Demonflame skin – which was designed by Kuroda.

Dusk is a male Tundra dragon. He is wearing the Casting Flames skin – which was designed by DDDFirefox.
I’m missing a few skins because I don’t have the type of dragons that they were made for. I’m not entirely sure when the Flameforger’s Festival ends. Overall, I’m really happy with these flaming hot skins!