Hearthstone had a Year of the Raven Celebration shortly before the Year of the Mammoth ended. The upcoming new expansion is called The Witchwood.

For a limited time (March 26, 2018 – April 9 – 2018) players received a free Card Pack every time they completed a Daily Quest in Hearthstone. This motivated me to work on Daily Quests.

Innkeeper: This year, we’re celebrating the coming year of the Raven.

Innkeeper: To celebrate New Years, you’ll get a mystery pack each time you complete a quest!

I started working on some Hearthstone Daily quests. There were two quests that started chipping away at.

The first one was called “Rogue Victory”. Players have to win 3 games with a Rogue Deck. The second one was called “Priest or Warlock Victory”. Players had to win 2 games with either a Priest Deck or a Warlock Deck.

I got my second win with a Warlock Deck. The match ended when the other player abruptly conceded.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 1

My first win with the Rogue Deck happened because the other player immediately conceded. The second win was against a Priest Deck.  The third win was against a Shaman Deck. The other player used a card that gave him overload damage against himself.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 2

This Card Pack includes cards from the upcoming The Witchwood expansion, which will be released in mid-April. I cannot open this Card Pack until after the expansion launches.

I continued working on some Hearthstone Daily Quests. I got a quest called “Beyond the Dark Portal”, which requires players to play 15 Demons.  To make this possible, I destroyed my Warlock Deck and created a new one with as many Demon cards as I had.

It went slower than I expected. After playing (and losing) several matches, I had only managed to play a total of 4 Demons. The next video picks up where I left off.

In the video above, I continued working on the “Beyond the Dark Portal” Daily Quest. My Warlock Deck leveled while I was working on that quest, and I unlocked two Warlock cards.

Beyond the Dark Portal: Play 15 Demons.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 3

I worked on the “Paladin or Warrior Victory” Daily Quest. Players must get 2 wins with either a Paladin Deck or a Warrior Deck. My Paladin Deck leveled up while I was working on this quest.


Paladin or Warrior Victory: Win 2 games with Paladin or Warrior.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 4

 I worked on two quests at the same time: Destroy Them All, and Tactician.

Destroy Them All: Destroy 40 minions.

Tactician: Play 30 Warrior class cards.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 5

I completed two Daily Quests, so I should have earned two free Card Packs.  But, only one appeared.  What happened?

The Bonus Pack for completing the Tactician Daily Quest appeared when I logged into Hearthstone again. It was no longer missing.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 6

I worked on the Shaman Victory Daily Quest.  I’ve neglected my Shaman Deck and never bothered to level it up. So, I took my Level 1 Shaman Deck and attempted to complete this quest.

One good thing about this experience is that it forced me to level up my Shaman Deck and unlock some of the cards that it was lacking.  I got one out of the three required wins because one of my opponents conceded.

I took the time to pull things out of my Shaman Deck and replace them with cards that I thought would work better. I removed cards that had Overload (because I don’t understand how to use it properly).

My second win was from an opponent who conceded. The third win was one that I actually earned. By the time I was done working on the “Shaman Victory” Quest, I had unlocked 18 out of 20 Shaman cards.

Shaman Victory: Win 3 games with Shaman.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 7

In the video above, I worked on the “Only The Mighty” Daily Quest. It took a while to complete, and I got a bit frustrated. I kept going because it is the type of quest that a player can complete if they just keep going.

Only the Mighty: Play 20 minions that cost 5 or more.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 8

I was working on the “3 Victories!” Daily Quest.  The first win was extremely easy to obtain!  (My opponent quit at first opportunity.) I decided to use my Mage Deck for this Daily Quest because It felt like I hadn’t played it very much lately. It is the deck I play the most, and I hadn’t gotten any Daily Quests that were specifically for a Mage deck.

3 Victories!: Win 3 games with any class.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 9

Watch and Learn!: Watch a friend win in Spectator Mode.

I decided to complete this Daily Quest without streaming it.  It just felt weird to go on Twitch, play Hearthstone… and then stream someone else’s game. It’s one thing to host someone’s channel on Twitch – but quite another to stream someone in-game without their permission.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 10

I started working on the “Mage or Shaman Victory” Daily Quest.  Things weren’t going very well, and I was running out of time before the free Card Pack offer ended.  I managed to get one win… and then got too frustrated to keep playing.

I had about an hour or so left before Hearthstone stopped giving players free Card Packs for completing Daily Quests.  I was able to complete the “Mage or Shaman Victory” Daily Quest that I started. Time ran out before I could complete other Daily Quests.

Mage or Shaman Victory: Win 2 games with Mage or Shaman.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 11

For reasons I cannot explain or understand, Hearthstone unexpectedly gave me a second free Card Pack.

Total number of Card Packs earned: 12

Next, I started working on a Daily Quest called “Emerald Dream”. It requires players to play 30 Druid class cards. I was able to complete this Daily Quest, but it was too late.  The free Card Pack offer had expired.

No Bonus Card pack appeared.  This limited-time offer was fun, and also frustrating at times. I’m glad I tried it.

Witchwood Supplies: Gear up before venturing forth!

Players who logged into Hearthstone on April 12, 2018, received three free Card Packs from The Witchwood expansion (which released that day.) My purpose of logging into Hearthstone was to open the free Card Packs I had earned.

Enter the Witchwood: Heroes and horrors await within these cursed woods.

Players who logged into Hearthstone on April 12, 2018, also received a free Legendary card from The Witchwood expansion.

Hearthstone: Year of the Raven Celebration is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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