Image by John Mounsey from Pixabay

The U.S. presidential election will be the biggest focus in the 2020 election season. In addition, there will be some elections for U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives. Here is a list of people who have decided not to run for reelection in 2020.

December 17, 2018: Senator Lamar Alexander (Republican — Tennessee) announced that he will not seek reelection in 2020. “I will not be a candidate for re-election to the United States Senate in 2020. The people of Tennessee have been very generous, electing me to serve more combined years as Governor and Senator than anyone else from our state. I am deeply grateful, but not it is time for someone else to have that privilege. I have gotten up every day thinking that I could help make our state and country a little better and gone to bed most nights thinking that I have. I will continue to serve with that same spirit during the remaining two years of my term.”

January 4, 2019: Senator Pat Roberts (Republican — Kansas) announced that he would retire in 2020 instead of running for reelection. Pat Roberts said he had “the honor and privilege” of representing Kansas for 16 years in the House and 22 years in the Senate. “I will serve the remainder of this term as your senator, fighting for Kansas in these troubled times,” Roberts said. “However, I will not be a candidate in 2020 for a fifth Senate term.”

February 7, 2019: Representative Rob Woodall (Republican — Georgia District 7) announced on the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he will not seek re-election in 2020. Rob Woodall said “he plans to step aside at the end of the current Congress because of recent political and personal developments. In addition to surviving the narrowest race of his political career last year, Woodall also lost his father.” Rob Woodall said he wanted to announce his retirement early in the election cycle to “give the next team time to prepare.”

March 25, 2019: Representative José Serrano (Democrat — New York District 15) announced on his official U.S. Representative website: “Today I am announcing that I am living with Parkinson’s disease. After my diagnosis, I initially planned to continue my work representing the people of the South Bronx far into the future — a responsibility that brings me great joy. Although this disease has not affected my work in Congress, over the last few months I’ve come to the realization that Parkinson’s will eventually take a toll, and that I cannot predict its rate of advancement. Because of this uncertainty, I do not intend to seek re-election in 2020. I do intend to serve out the remainder of my term in the 116th Congress.”

March 25, 2019: Senator Tom Udall (Democrat — New Mexico) announced on his official U.S. Senator website that he will not seek reelection to a third term in the U.S. Senate in 2020. “Now, I’m most certainly not retiring. I intend to find new ways to serve New Mexico and our country after I finish this term. There will be more chapters in my public service to do what needs to be done. In fact, I see these next two years as an incredible opportunity. Without the distraction of another campaign, I can get so much more done to help reverse the damage done to our planet, end the scourge of war, and stop this president’s assault on our democracy and our communities.”

April 12, 2019: Representative Dave Loebsack (Democrat — Iowa District 2) announced on his official U.S. Representative website that he will be retiring at the end of the 116th Congress. Dave Loebsack wrote: “…When first elected, I had planned to serve no more than 12 years. However, after Donald Trump assumed the presidency, it became apparent that I needed to run for at least one more term in the hopes I could provide a check on his worst impulses. Currently, there are nearly two years remaining in this term and I look forward to playing an important role in the new House majority, not only to prevent further damage done by President Trump, but also to help set the stage for a new Democratic president to be inaugurated in January of 2021. In the remainder of my service, I will continue to serve the people of Iowa with the same energy and commitment that I have devoted to this job from the beginning…”

May 2, 2019: Representative Mo Brooks (Republican — Alabama District 5) announced that he will not be a candidate for the U.S. Senate in the 2020 election cycle. He announced this on Talk 99.5’s “Matt and Aunie Show”. Mo Brooks explained: “In 2017, I had assurances from the White House that Donald Trump would either endorse me or be neutral. We relied on those representations, decided to run for the United States Senate, would have come in second in the primary but for the Mitch McConnell forces and perhaps others persuading — using whatever measures of persuasion they had — persuading Donald Trump to endorse Luther Strange. That pushed Luther into second and the rest is history. Doug Jones ended up getting elected in a ruby red state. So, I wanted assurances to keep that from happening again. Those assurances are not forthcoming, and so I’m not going to run.”

Mo Brooks’s term as a U.S. Representative ends in January of 2021.

May 4, 2019: Senator Michael Enzi (Republican — Wyoming) announced on his official U.S. Senator page that he does not plan to run for reelection in 2020. In his announcement, he provides details of how he, and his wife, Diana, have “live out of a suitcase on both ends” due to the traveling his job requires. He has been a Senator for 24 years. “I can’t do the kind of job Diana and I have been doing for another six-year term. I was able to see my kids grow up before I went in the Senate. Now I want some grandkid time. I will continue to be the Workhorse for Wyoming that you expect me to be through this term.”

June 15, 2019: Representative Susan Brooks (Republican — Indiana District 5) announced in a USA Today exclusive that she had decided not to run in 2020. At the time of the announcement, Susan Brooks was one of only 13 Republican women in the House and the head of GOP recruitment in 2020.

July 4, 2019: Representative Justin Amash (Republican — Michigan District 3) announced on Facebook: “…Today, I am declaring my independence and leaving the Republican Party. No matter your circumstance, I’m asking you to join me in rejecting the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us. I’m asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system — and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it.” NPR reported that Justin Amash did not say whether he would caucus with Democrats or Republicans, and he did not declare an affiliation with any other party. Based on this, it appears that Justin Amash will not run as a Republican in any upcoming elections (if he chooses to run for office).

July 24, 2019: Representative Paul Mitchell (Republican — Michigan District 10) announced on the House floor: “…A career in Washington has never been my objective. My objective has always been simply to work to address significant challenges this nation faces: health care, immigration, and infrastructure for example. However, it appears to me that rhetoric overwhelms policy, and politics consumes much of the oxygen in this city. The time has come to make a difference for my family — to focus my time and energy upon them — their needs and goals. As George Washington is quoted: “I would rather be on my farm than emperor of the world.” As a result, I have decided I will not seek to continue to represent Michigan’s 10th District next term. After serving out the remainder of the 116th Congress — I will return to my family and our small farm.”

July 25, 2019: Representative Pete Olson (Republican — Texas District 22) announced in a press release on his official U.S. Representative website: “…As someone who has long advocated for policies that put families first, it’s time for me to take my own advice and be a more consistent presence to help our family. To that end, while I will complete my term in the 116th Congress, I will not be seeking re-election.” In the press release, Pete Olsen was referencing himself and his wife Nancy when he wrote “our”.

July 26, 2019: Representative Martha Roby (Republican — Alabama District 1) announced that she will not seek a sixth term in her southeast Alabama district, Roll Call reported. At the time of the announcement, Roll Call reported that Martha Roby was one of just 13 Republican women in the House.

July 29, 2019: Representative Rob Bishop (Republican — Utah District 1) confirmed to the Deseret News that “he will not seek a ninth term, keeping a promise he made to voters in 2012 that he would “retire” next year.” The Deseret News reported that Rob Bishop is “toying with running for Utah governor in 2020.”

July 31, 2019: Representative Mike Conaway (Republican — Texas District 11) announced in a press release on his official U.S. Representative website: “…This chapter in our lives has been more fulfilling than I could ever have imagined. But all things come to an end point, and my 8th term will be mine. I will fulfill my duties to the 11th District by serving the rest of the term.” In the press release, Mike Conaway was referencing himself and his wife Suzanne, when he wrote “our”.

August 1, 2019: Representative Will Hurd (Republican — Texas District 23) announced in an editorial on his official U.S. Representative website: “…After reflecting on how best to help our country address these challenges, I have made the decision not to seek reelection for the 23rd Congressional District of Texas in order to pursue opportunities outside the halls of Congress to solve problems at the nexus between technology and national security.”

At the time of his announcement, Will Hurd was the only African American Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives.

August 5, 2019: Representative Kenny Marchant (Republican — Texas District 24) announced on his official U.S. Representative website: “It is time for me to announce that I will not seek another term as Congressman from the 24th District of Texas. I am looking forward to finishing out my term and then returning to Texas to start a new chapter.”

August 26, 2019: Representative Sean Duffy (Republican — Wisconsin District 7) announced he would resign at the end of September and will not run for reelection. He will leave Congress on September 23, 2019. Politico reported that Sean Duffy and his wife are expecting a child in late October who “will need even more love, time, and attention due to complications, including a heart condition.”

August 30, 2019: Representative John Shimkus (Republican — Illinois District 15) announced on the Mark Reardon Show that he will not run for reelection in 2020. John Shimkus was joined in the KMOX studio with his wife Karen, who says their three boys are now raised and mostly out of the house, it’s time for a change. He will serve out his current term through January of 2020.

August 28, 2019: Senator Johnny Isakson (Republican — Georgia District 6) announced on his official U.S. Senator website that he would resign his Senate seat effective December 31, 2019. “I am leaving a job I love because my health challenges are taking their toll on me, my family and my staff. My Parkinson’s has been progressing, and I am continuing physical therapy to recover from a fall in July. In addition, this week I had surgery to remove a growth on my kidney.”

September 4, 2019: Representative Bill Flores (Republican — Texas District 17) announced on his official U.S. Representative website that he will not seek another term in Congress. “Serving my country as the Representative of the hardworking Texas families in the 17th Congressional District has been an honor and one of my greatest privileges of my life. When I originally announced that I was running for Congress in 2009, I was firm in my commitment that I would run for six or fewer terms.”

September 4, 2019: Representative Susan Davis (Democrat — California District 49) announced her last term on her official U.S. Representative website. She will not pursue another term in Congress. “I have struggled to make this very difficult decision. I will not seek another term in Congress. My decision today represents a desire to live and work ‘at home’ in San Diego.”

September 4, 2019: Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (Republican — Wisconsin District 5) announced he will not run for a 22nd term. “I think the time has come to basically turn over the page in the 5th District.” He said he is not retiring for health reasons or because he is worried about a re-election challenge. He said his decision is not related to serving in the minority party.

September 30, 2019: Representative Chris Collins (Republican — New York District 27) submitted a resignation letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. It will become effective when it is read on the House floor on Tuesday. Roll Call reported that Chris Collins, who previously entered a not guilty plea in his federal criminal fraud case, has a change of plea hearing scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. Collins faces eight counts of federal criminal charges involving conspiracy to commit securities fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and false statements.

October 10, 2019: Representative Nita Lowey (Democrat — New York District 17) announced on her official U.S. Representative website that she will not seek re-election in 2020. “After 31 years in the United States Congress, representing the people of Westchester, Rockland, Queens and the Bronx, I have decided not to seek re-election in 2020.”

October 19, 2019: Representative Francis Rooney (Republican — Florida District 19) announced his retirement. According to Politico, Francis Rooney said on Fox News: “I thought the idea was you came and did your public service and left, you accomplish what you want to accomplish and you left. And that’s what I want to be an example to do. And I’m also tired of the intense partisanship that stops us from solving the big questions that America needs solved.”

October 27, 2019: Representative Katie Hill (Democrat — California District 25) announced on Twitter her resignation from Congress. The tweet included her official statement. Part of that statement said: “…This is what needs to happen so that the good people who supported me will no longer be subjected to the pain inflicted by my abusive husband and the brutality of hateful political operatives who seem to happily provide a platform for a monster who is driving a smear campaign built around cyber exploitation. Having private photos of personal moments weaponized against me has been an appalling invasion of my privacy. It’s also illegal, and we are currently pursuing all of our available legal options…”

November 11, 2019: Representative Peter King (Republican — New York District 2) announced on his Facebook page: “I will not be a candidate for re-election to Congress in 2020. I made this decision after much discussion with my wife Rosemary; my son Sean; and daughter Erin. The prime reason for my decision was that after 28 years of spending 4 days a week in Washington, D.C., it is time to end the weekly commute and be home in Seaford.”

This blog was originally posted on Medium on August 6, 2019. It was periodically updated when another member of Congress announced that they would not run in 2020.

December 4, 2019: Representative Denny Heck (Democrat – Washington District 10) announced his retirement in a tweet that said: “Today, I announce my retirement from a career in public service that began over forty years ago. I wrote a brief note of thanks, explanation and remembrance. I hope you take a minute to read it.”

The tweet included a link to a Medium post which included this paragraph: “In the spirit of complete openness, part of me is also discouraged. The countless hours I have spent in the investigation of Russian election interference and the impeachment inquiry have rendered my soul weary. I will never understand how some of my colleagues, in many ways good people, could ignore or deny the President’s unrelenting attack on a free press, his vicious character assassination of anyone who disagreed with him, and his demonstrably very distant relationship with the truth.”

December 5, 2019: Representative Tom Graves (Republican – Georgia District 14) announced that he will not be seeking re-election in a tweet: “Today I announced to my friends and fellow Georgians that I will not be seeking re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020. Serving the country I love so much, and representing the community I hold so dear, is an honor that won’t be replicated.”

A second tweet included a link to a letter he wrote to his constituents. A paragraph from that letter states: “As we all do, I’m entering a new season in life. An exciting season. So, the time has come for me to pass the baton. Now, it’s my turn to cheer, support, and sacrifice for those who have done the same for me over the last two decades. With Julie near retirement and my kids now suddenly adults, I have decided not to seek reelection in 2020, and instead, join my family in their new and unique journeys.”

December 6, 2019: Representative Duncan Hunter (Republican – California District 50) announced that he plans to resign from his seat. He said in a statement: “Shortly after the Holidays, I will resign from Congress. It has been an honor to serve the people of California’s 50th District, and I greatly appreciate the trust they have put in me over these last 11 years.”

According to The Hill: The announcement comes in the wake of the lawmaker’s decision to reverse course and plead guilty to charges of campaign finance violations. The move came months after Hunter’s wife and former campaign treasurer, Margaret Hunter, opted to change her plea to guilty earlier this year. The Hunters were indicted in August 2018 on charges of misusing at least $250,000 in campaign funds.

December 6, 2019: Representative George Holding (Republican – North Carolina District 2) announced that he would not run for re-election in 2020 after his Republican-leaning district was redrawn into a safe Democratic seat by state lawmakers, according to the News & Observer. State lawmakers redrew the congressional map after a three-judge panel indicated it was likely to find the current map unconstitutional due to partisan gerrymandering. Republicans hold a 10-3 edge in the delegation. Lawmakers in Raleigh drew the map quickly last month, though no Democrats voted for them.

In that article, there is a quote from George Holding. “I should add, candidly, that, yes, the newly redrawn Congressional Districts were part of the reason I have not decided to seek reelection. But, in addition, this is also a good time for me to step back and reflect on all that I’ve learned. I am also hopeful that, if it is part of the Good Lord’s plan, I will someday return to public office – that there will be other opportunities for me to fight for the ideals and conservative principles I believe in.”

December 19, 2019: Representative Mark Meadows (Republican – North Carolina District 11) announced his retirement from Congress. His announcement comes the day after the U.S. House of Representatives voted for two articles of impeachment against President Trump.

In a press release on his official website, he wrote: “For everything there is a season. After prayerful consideration and discussion with family, today I’m announcing that my time serving Western North Carolina in Congress will come to a close at the end of this term.

The majority of his press release is a large paragraph in which Mark Meadows lists a number of things that he believes President Trump has accomplished. After that, he wrote: “My work with President Trump and his administration is only beginning. This President has accomplished incredible results for the country in just 3 years, and I’m fully committed to staying in the fight with him and his team to build on those successes and deliver on his promises for the years to come.”

December 19, 2019: Representative Jeff Van Drew (Democrat – New Jersey District 2) will not be running as a Democrat in 2020. President Trump announced that Jeff Van Drew will be joining the Republican Party. This means that he will have to run as a Republican in the same district that he was previously representing, and could face a primary threat.

Roll Call reported that when Jeff Van Drew told his staff about this change, some of them quit en masse. Roll Call also reported that Jeff Van Drew voted against impeachment of President Donald Trump.

December 31. 2019: Trump’s former Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski (Republican) ended speculation by announcing that he will not run for a U.S. Senate seat in New Hampshire. He tweeted: (1/3) After much consideration I have decided to forgo a campaign for the U.S. Senate. While taking on a career politician from the Washington Swamp is a tall order, I am certain I would have won. My priorities remain my family and ensuring that @realDonaldTrump is re-elected POTUS.”

Technically, he should not be on this list because he is not running for re-election. (He’s never been a U.S. Senator or a U.S. Representative). I place him on this list because it is significant that a former member of Trump’s team has decided not to run for the Senate, even after Trump endorsed him.

At the time Corey Lewandowski announced he would not run for Senate after all, President Trump had been impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives. The Senate trial had not yet begun.

People NOT Running for Re-election in 2020 is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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