For the first time ever, California participated in Super Tuesday. It is the date when the largest number of states and territories hold a presidential preference primary or caucus. In 2020, Super Tuesday was held on March 3.
The following states and territories participated in Super Tuesday 2020: Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.
Why did California vote on Super Tuesday?
On September, 27, 2017, The Hill reported that California Governor Jerry Brown signed a measure moving California’s presidential primary to March. The Hill reported that this was “a move likely to give the nation’s most populous state more sway in the nominating contest”.
California has typically held its primary in June, often weeks after the eventual Republican and Democratic presidential nominees have rounded up the delegates to secure their party’s nomination.
But under the legislation signed Wednesday, California’s primary would fall on Super Tuesday, when several other states hold their primaries, forcing candidates to compete more aggressively in the Golden State.
Brown did not issue a statement with his signature. But California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who backed the move, said that the new date would prompt candidates to focus on issues relevant to his state’s voters…
…State lawmakers passed their primary measure earlier this month in the final hours of their legislative session.
They also approved a bill that would require presidential candidates to release their income tax returns before they can appear on the ballot in the state.
Voting Information
The California Secretary of State website has plenty of information about voting and elections.
Qualifications to register to vote in California require a person to:
- Be a United States citizen and resident of California
- 18-years-old on Election Day
- Not currently in a federal prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony
- Not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court
California has made it easier for eligible voters to vote. Here is a quick look at some of those opportunities:
- People who are 16-years-old, or 17-years-old, can pre-register to vote. They still cannot vote until they turn 18-years-old. When they reach that age, they are automatically eligible to vote.
- California allows same day voter registration. It is a safety net for Californian’s who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election. Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14-days of an election can complete the process at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center. Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process.
- College students, and Californians who are living abroad, can vote. Students need to choose if they want to register to vote using their “home away from home” address that they use at school, or if they want to register at their traditional home address. They must pick one or the other – not both. California voters who are living abroad can vote by mail.
- The California Motor Voter program makes registering to vote at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) more convenient. Eligible applicants who complete a drivers license, identification (ID) card or change of address transaction online, by mail, or in person at the DMV will automatically be registered to vote.
- All eligible California voters can register to vote online.
- California allows eligible voters to vote early. Or, a voter can choose to vote on Election Day.
- All eligible voters can request a paper ballot that will be sent to them by mail – and that can be mailed to the County Clerk’s office by mail (without requiring a stamp). It is also acceptable to bring your completed ballot to the County Clerk’s office and return it in person. California does not limit voting by mail to those who can show proof of disability, or those who are past a certain age.
- In California, individuals convicted of a felony have their right to vote automatically restored once they have completed prison time and parole. Individuals serving sentences in state or federal prisons cannot vote, while those in county jail, as a condition of probation and those serving a felony jail sentence retain the right to vote as of 2016.
California has 415 pledged delegates in California’s Democratic presidential primary vote on Super Tuesday, more than any other state, The Guardian reported.
March 3, 2020: California correspondent for California Healthline and Kaiser Health News Angela Hart tweeted: “.@GavinNewsom & @JenSeibelNewsom voting today. The governor has not endorsed again since @KamalaHarris dropped out. The first partner has endorsed @ewarren”. The tweet included a photo of Governor Gavin Newsom and First Partner Jen Seibel Newsom surrounded by reporters holding cameras, lights, microphones, and phones.
California Endorsements
Bernie Sanders
American Federation of Musicians Local 47 Endorses Bernie Sanders for President
Los Angeles, CA (February 12, 2020) – The American Federation of Musicians Local 47 is proud to endorse Bernie Sanders for President of the United States in the 2020 Primary Election.
Members of the Los Angeles musicians union’s political action committee voted unanimously to recommend that the AFM Local 47 executive board – the elected leadership body of the 7,000-member union – endorse Sen. Sanders as the candidate who best represents the interests of musicians. On Tuesday, the board in turn voted unanimously to endorse Sanders in an unprecedented move for a union historically removed from taking official stances in presidential elections.
“Today, more than ever, unions and workers are under attack by exploitative forces that are eroding our middle class. Immediately action and activism is crucial,” said AFL Local 47 President John Acosta. “Bernie Sanders is the best presidential candidate to defend musicians and all workers by protecting jobs and workers’ rights.”
AFM Local 47 is the first musicians union in the country to take a position in the 2020 Democratic Primary. The decision to support Sen. Sanders arrived from a member-driven process in which AFM Local 47 musicians organized a political forum to hear from and speak directly with senior campaign officials. Musicians found Sanders to be the candidate best able to champion the priorities and values of the musicians union:
- Protecting Pensions: Sanders has committed to halt further cuts to workers’ pensions and to make whole those workers whose pension benefits have been cut, while working toward a long-term solution to restore troubled pension plans to solvency.
- Union Support: Sanders has supported working people throughout his career, which has garnered him the most union endorsements of all candidates, and Local 47 is proud to join some of our closest allies with its support.
- Tax Credit Accountability: Sanders supports our calls to ensure that tax credit dollars are promoting good jobs for musicians in the U.S., not allowing taxpayer-subsidized music jobs to be sent overseas.
- Labor Rights/Worker Power: Sanders has committed to doubling union membership, allowing sectoral bargaining, requiring worker representation on corporate boards, and repealing harmful provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act.
Additionally, Sanders’ strong and unwavering support of union workers throughout his political career and his ambitious plan for strengthening labor power throughout the nation fully aligns with AFM Local 47’s commitment to building a national movement for real and lasting change…
Kamala Harris
February 14, 2020: The Hill posted an article titled: “Barbara Lee endorses Kamala Harris’s 2020 bid”. It was written by Michael Burke. From the article:
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) on Thursday endorsed Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) for president, saying that Harris will be a “president truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
“As just the third African American woman from a major party to run for President, I am so proud to endorse her candidacy as she continues to fight for equality, fairness, and dignity for all Americans,” the former head of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) said in a statement.
“Watching Kamala’s career in the East Bay and San Francisco for 20 years, I’ve witnessed her deep passion for justice and opportunity, and I know she will be a president truly of the people, by the people, and for the people,” Lee added.
With the endorsement, Lee became the first member of the CBC to pick a side in the 2020 race, according to CNN…
February 15, 2020: Politico posted an article titled: “Gavin Newsom endorses Kamala Harris for president”. It was written by Christopher Cadelago. From the article:
Kamala Harris won the endorsement of California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who announced to a national television audience on Friday that hew as backing his home-state senator for president.
“I’m very enthusiastic about Kamala Harris,” Newsom said in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. “I’ve known her for decades, not only as district attorney where she did an extraordinary job with a very progressive record, but I watched her up close as lieutenant governor, when she served as attorney general, and I have the privilege of working with her as a U.S. senator.”
“I think the American people could not do better,” Newsom added…
Elizabeth Warren
February 28, 2020: San Francisco Chronicle posted an article titled: “Jennifer Seibel Newsom endorses Elizabeth Warren for president”. It was written by Alexi Koseff. From the article:
Jennifer Seibel Newsom, wife of California Gov. Gavin Newsom, endorsed Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president on Friday.
In a video posted to social media, Seibel Newsom, a documentary filmmaker who has adopted the gender-neutral title of “first partner” and established a public agenda around issues like pay equity, asked voters to make Warren the first woman president.
“Sen. Elizabeth Warren is the brightest person in the room and she actually cares about each and every one of you, especially our women, our children, and the nation’s most vulnerable,” Seibel Newsom said. “She knows you can’t live a good life in an unjust society, and she will revive the American dream for all of you who call this country home.”…
…”Please think about your wives, your mothers, your sisters and your daughters,” Seibel Newsom said. “Vote your conscience, not what the pundits and the billionaires are telling you to do. Because Sen. Elizabeth Warren is electable.”
Joe Biden
January 9, 2020: Times of San Diego posted an article titled: “Mayors of LA, Long Beach Endorse Biden During Southern Carolina Visit”. It was written by Chris Jennewein. From the article:
As he returned to Southern California for a presidential fundraiser, former Vice President Joe Biden picked up endorsements Thursday from the mayors of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
“Joe Biden is a close personal friend who has been an incredible partner in delivering progress for L.A.,” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a statement released by the Biden campaign. “He came to L.A., and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with me to make us the first big city to enact a $15 minimum wage, and he brought leaders from all over the world to our city to forge the most sweeping climate agreement prior to the Paris accords.”…
…Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia, who had supported the candidacy of California Sen. Kamala Harris until she dropped out of the race, also issued a statement Thursday endorsing Biden.
“As the mayor of a growing, vibrant and diverse city, Donald Trump’s reckless attacks on immigrants, health care and the LGBTQ community are deeply personal,” Garcia said. “Joe is a candidate that has both the experience an the ability to build a broad-based coalition needed to beat Donald Trump – not just here in California, but across the country. We’ve seen Joe bring people together time and time again to deliver results for working families, including right her in California”…
May 8, 2020: Politico posted an article titled: “Newsom finally endorses Biden at virtual campaign event for top-dollar donors”. It was written by Carla Marinucci. From the article:
Saying America is desperately in need of healing and “a sense of hopefulness” during the Covid-19 pandemic, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday formally endorsed Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate who can “bring people together and unite this nation.”
“I’m so honored to be here with you and supporting your presidency,” Newsom told Biden as he starred at a virtual campaign event for the former vice president where tickets went for as high as $100,000. “I just couldn’t be more proud of you, and the prospect of your presidency.”
“You’re willing to reach out to people — never talk down to people, regardless of their political stripes regardless, their lot in life,’’ Newsom told Biden on the Zoom call with hundreds of deep-pocketed Democratic donors. “That’s about character. It’s about decency. It’s about honor.”
“You get it, and you’ve gotten it done over the course of decades,’’ Newsom told Biden. “You’ve been on the front lines of fighting against poverty, ignorance and disease. You have a deep compassion and empathy, you see the world from other people’s eyes.’’
Biden appeared emotional at the end of Newsom’s address. “Gov, if I get elected, I’m going to need you badly,” Biden responded…
…Until Friday, Newsom – who had earlier endorsed Sen. Kamala Harris for president – hadn’t yet formally endorsed the former vice president. And he recently sidestepped questions from reporters about whether he would make a formal endorsement of Biden, saying he has been focused on his response to the Covid-19 crisis…
January 23, 2020: The City of Beverly Hills posted a press release titled: “City of Beverly Hills Files Lawsuit Regarding LA County’s Ballot Marking Devices”. From the press release:
The City of Beverly Hills has filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court over concerns regarding Los Angeles County’s new VSAP (Voting Solutions for All People) touchscreen electronic voting system.
As voters prepare to cast their ballots in-person at the new Vote Centers countywide, only four candidates will appear on the first screen of the ballot marking device. To view additional candidates, the voter must select the MORE button. However, if the voter instead presses the NEXT button, they will not see all the candidates in that particular race.
“We are deeply troubled that voters will be disenfranchised by the new VSAP system,” said Beverly Hills City Attorney Laurence S. Wiener. “All candidates should be presented in an equitable and transparent way to the voters. As the system is currently designed, a voter may not realize they are bypassing additional candidates. We believe this issue can be easily resolved.”
The City is asking LA County to gray out the NEXT button until the voter has moved to the last page of that individual race and viewed all candidates. Alternatively, the City is asking that instructions be included on the first screen indicating there may be additional candidates than the first four names listed and to select MORE to view all choices.
February 4, 2020: U.S. Representative Ted Lieu (Democrat – CA-33) tweeted: “There is a big ballot flaw in LA County ballots. Half the voters in my district won’t see my name or other candidates unless they hit “more” button because only 4 names are shown. Voters could skip to the next race without knowing there are more candidates”. Ted Lieu’s tweet included a link to an Los Angeles Times article.
February 28, 2020: Representative Jimmy Gomez posted a press release titled: “Reps Roybal-Allard, Gomez, and Lieu Joint Statement On Flawed Electronic Ballot Design”. From the joint statement:
Today, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) and Rep Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.) issued the following statement regarding the flawed electronic ballot design in Los Angeles County:
“As a result of a faulty electronic ballot design, many voters in Los Angeles County, including in parts of our congressional districts, will not see our names or the names of other candidates unless they specifically hit the ‘more’ button when voting. The electronic ballot only shows four candidates on each page regardless of the number of candidates listed without knowing there are additional candidates, and then skip to the next race on the ballot. We urge all voters who vote electronically to always hit the ‘more’ button before they finish voting in any particular race.
The current situation is not acceptable and inadequate measures have been taken to remedy this serious flaw. We call on Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder Dean Logan to (1) take whatever steps are necessary to ensure voters are educated fully about the ‘more’ button, and (2) to fix this situation for future primary elections.”
March 4, 2020: ABC 8 News posted an article about the Super Tuesday elections. Part of the article included information about California. From the article:
…Voter file databases were down or excruciatingly slow in some counties in California and Texas. In Los Angeles County, electronic pollbooks that are connected to the state’s voter database were operating slowly because of the high number of voters, County Registrar-Recorder spokesman Mike Sanchez said. The county brought in technicians and added devices in some polling places to move lines along.
Even so, delays were two hours or longer in some locations. Beverly Hills City Councilman Julian Gold said waiting times there were 2 1/2 to 3 hours. He said he was told the delays were related to voter check-in…
…At a vote center in Silver Lake, near downtown Los Angeles, poll workers said computer network issues slowed the voter check-in process and made some machines unusable. About one-third of the approximately 40 machines were being used, and some had “out of order” signs taped to them. The resulting line meant it took about an hour for voters to cast their ballots…
March 4, 2020: Vox’s Recode posted an article titled: “Voters struggled with LA’s fancy new voting machines on Super Tuesday”. It was written by Rebecca Heilweil. From the article:
…On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reported election officials were having issues with their systems linking up with California’s voter database, which meant that the registration information. The is a big problem, since California passed a law last year that allows for voter registration on Election Day in an effort to enfranchise more voters.
Meanwhile, many voters complained on Twitter that their voting machines weren’t working, with some reaching out to election officials on the platform for help. There were also complaints that the machines were not taking voters’ paper ballots, which need to be inserted back into the machine. Several people also said that the e-poll books weren’t working.
Dale Robinson, a Los Angeles voter, confirmed to Recode in an email that one voting machine was “down completely” and the other was working “very slowly” at the first voting center he visited in Highland Park. A volunteer recommended he vote at a nearby location, which he did. Similarly, voter Michael Connor told Recode that when he inserted his printed ballot into the machine’s scanner at the voting center he visited in Reseda, it displayed a loading, swirling icon for five minutes. A technician ultimately helped him insert the ballot into another machine…
…The reported failures are especially discouraging because they represent a $280 million effort to modernize LA’s elections. The new voting machines are part of LA’s Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) and come equipped with touchscreens and futuristic-looking yellow-and-black stands. The system even allows voters to fill out their ballots ahead of time on other devices and then send that information to the voting machines through a QR code. Importantly, all votes are meant to be backed up with a paper record, which is designed to be a fail-safe should something go technically awry with the system.
VSAP is publicly owned and was designed to use open-source technology, making the program the first of its kind in the nation. The machines themselves arrive with another new change in LA: Instead of local polling stations, people can now vote from anywhere in the county, thanks to a centralized voter database. Some voting machines are even being moved around the Los Angeles area, which should make it easier for less-mobile populations to vote…
March 26, 2020: Smartmatic, creator of the Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) electronic voting machines, posted a blog titled: “Early Takeaways from Los Angeles”. From the blog:
…The election event in LA was hugely beneficial to the citizens of Los Angeles. VSAP is an incredible step forward, but its rollout was not without challenges. County Registrar Dean Logan acknowledged this in his Election Night press conference. That the election was imperfect shouldn’t surprise anyone given the scope of the changes. Implementing the new system meant engaging and collaborating with a vast number of organizations, departments, service providers and groups from the state level all the way to the local level. There were also multiple outside providers.
Let’s not forget that voters, vote center workers, and County officials were learning a whole new voting system that bears little resemblance to the obsolete system, launched in the late 60s, they just abandoned.
As stated by Logan, vote centers had to be strategically sized and located based on population densities and travel patterns. This election saw most in-person voting occur on the last two days of the voting period at sites near residents’ homes. The County will examine voter-turnout patterns and work to better ensure adequate coverage at vote centers for future elections. The number of poll workers can be increased with little effort. As voters become acclimated to the new system, their behavior will also change. More voters will take advantage of the geographic and time conveniences available to them over the full 11-day voting period.
Training for all vote center workers will be expanded and the lessons learned during the rollout will enable them to manage all aspects of the system more confidently, including onsite troubleshooting. All involved will, no doubt, be more comfortable with the new system when the general election rolls around in November…
April 27, 2020: Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk posted its findings about the March 2020 primary. Here are key points from the executive summary:
During the Presidential Primary Election in March, Los Angeles County introduced a new voting system that served nearly 1 million voters at more than 970 vote centers throughout the County.
Post-election surveys and voter exit polls indicate that most voters (70%) had a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience. Overall, 15% of voters reported waiting more than 2 hours to vote. RR/CC acknowledges that not all voters were properly supported on Election Day, resulting in long waits and great frustration for many voters.
At the request of the Board of Supervisors, the RR/CC, with a team of experts, examined the issues and analyzed the causes behind those failures, which relate primarily to technology, training, and capacity issues.
As a result, RR/CC already has started to improve training and procedures and to refinine its systems to ensure a better experience for ALL voters in future elections.
Los Angeles County introduced new Ballot Marking Devices (BMDs) in the March 2020 Presidential Primary Election. Voters reported that their experience with BMDs was positive. The BMDs are new and, as with anything new, it will take some time for voters to become accustomed to using them, including features that ensure ballot security and voter privacy.
RR/CC looked carefully into the root causes of the issues experienced by voters. Here are some key findings:
- Vote Centers were open for 10 days before Election Day. 27% of voters cast ballots in the first 10 days: 73% on Election Day. RR/CC also received and processed 1,141,594 Vote By Mail (VBM) ballots.
- Longer wait times primarily resulted from technical issues with the electronic pollbooks (PollPads) that are used to check-in voters as they arrive at the Vote Centers. Even though ample network bandwidth was available, the PollPads had issues synchronizing data with the voter database and the voter search function was too limited for the size of the County’s electorate. This resulted in delays as voters checked in. Also, some Vote Centers had fewer PollPads than needed to handle voter turnout on Election Day.
- While there was a perception among voters and the media that BMDs were not operable and contributed to wait times, generally this was not the case. Based on the data, BMD availability did not contribute to wait times, but some BMDs were unavailable for two reasons:
1 While not intended, Election Workers did not make all BMDs available at the Vote Centers. Some BMDs were not turned on in larger Vote Centers because they were not identified as necessary to meet voter needs during the election. Had all BMDs been needed, Election Workers would have powered them on.
2 There was a known issue with a printer gear that affected more BMDs than originally identified, causing 1,297 to be taken out of service because of paper jams. This affected 5.6% of the BMDs in the field.
- Network bandwidth between the PollPads and the voter database was sufficient and was not a constraint on Election Day.
- While RR/CC recruited the overall number of Election Workers needed, delays in Vote Center selection and late assignment of Election Workers caused some Vote Centers to be overstaffed and some to be understaffed because either too many Election Workers were assigned to a Vote Center or the Election Workers did not report as scheduled or at all. In most cases, multilingual Election Workers were stationed where needed, but the under/overstaffing issue applied to them as well. The need to have Vote Center Leads work 11 consecutive days proved to create difficulties for Vote Center Lead attendance and also caused difficulties filling those critical roles.
- Election Worker training started while many elements were still charging – procedures being finalized and new legislation being passed (Senate Bill 207) – which caused differences between training conducted earlier vs. later in the cycle. This represented a lot of change – new technology and procedures – for Election Workers to absorb.
- There were challenges and constraints in gaining access to and setting up Vote Centers, with some closing early or opening late, and some not opening at all on some days.
- The Help Desks where Election Workers and voters call to get help did not have adequate staff needed to respond to incoming call volume promptly. Technical issues with the telephone system also led to excessive wait times…
These results – and the findings derived from the Board’s motion – will assist the Department in continuing to improve the voter experience for Los Angeles County voters.
RR/CC is engaged with the Secretary of State and a broad range of community stakeholders to prepare for the November 2020 Presidential General Election considering the effects of COVID-19 on the voting experience.
July 13, 2020: CBS Sacramento posted an article titled: “100,000 Mail-In Votes Went Uncounted In California’s Primary”. From the article:
More than 100,000 mail-in ballots were rejected by California election officials during the March presidential primary, according to data obtained by The Associated Press that highlights a glaring gap in the state’s effort to ensure every vote is counted…
…The California secretary of state’s election data obtained by the AP showed that 102,428 mail-in-ballots were disqualified in the state’s 58 counties, about 1.5% of the nearly 7 million mail-in ballots returned. That percentage is the highest in a primary since 2014, and the overall number is the highest in a statewide election since 2010.
Two years ago, the national average of rejected mail ballots in the general election was about 1.4% and in the 2016 presidential election year it was 1%, according to a U.S. Election Assistance Commission study.
The most common problem, by far, in California was missing the deadline for the ballot to be mailed and arrive. To count in the election, ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received within three days afterward. Statewide, 70,330 ballots missed those marks.
Another 27,525 either didn’t have a signature, or the signature didn’t match the one on record for the voter…
…The data didn’t break down the uncounted ballots by party registration. While the overall number was large in March, if it’s the same in November it’s unlikely to affect the presidential race — Trump lost to Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 by 4.3 million votes.
But there are expected to be at least several tightly contested U.S. House races where a relatively few votes could tip the balance. In 2018, Democrat TJ Cox upset Republican David Valadao by less than 1,000 votes in a Central Valley district. They have a rematch in November.
Local races sometimes are decided by a handful of votes.
California traditionally has offered mail-in voting only to those who request ballots. Over time the number has grown to represent more than half of all cast ballots. In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in June signed a law requiring county election officials to mail a ballot to all the state’s nearly 21 million registered voters for the November election.
He called mail-in voting safe and secure, pointing to a series of studies that found no evidence of significant fraud. States across the political spectrum rely solely on mail ballots, including Colorado, Utah and Washington.
In preparation for November, the state is launching a ballot-tracking tool that will quickly alert voters if they need to take action, such as adding a missing signature. Another change: The state is extending the window for mail ballots to arrive to 17 days after Election Day…
Last March, the highest rejection rate in California was in San Francisco, where 9,407 ballots, or nearly 5% of the total, were set aside, mostly because they did not arrive on time. By contrast, in rural Plumas County northeast of Sacramento, all of the 8,207 mail-in ballots received were accepted.
…In Los Angeles County, nearly 2,800 ballots were nullified because the voter forgot to sign it, then couldn’t be found to fix the error. Statewide, that careless mistake spiked nearly 13,000 ballots.
More than 1,000 ballots were disqualified in Fresno County because the signature didn’t match the one on file with election officials. The same problem nixed over 1,300 ballots in San Diego County — and over 14,000 statewide. In some of those cases, voting experts say, a family member might have signed for others in the household, which is illegal.
Some voters apparently filled out their ballots then left them on the kitchen table: In more than 800 instances, envelopes were returned to election officials without the marked ballot inside.
2020 California Democratic Presidential Preference Primary
On March 3, 2020, the Associated Press tweeted: “BREAKING: Bernie Sanders wins Democratic presidential primary in California, claiming biggest prize on Super Tuesday”. The tweet includes a graphic that said “ELECTION 2020”.
The Guardian posted the following results (updated March 30, 2020):
- Bernie Sanders: 2,002,521 votes – 35.54%
- Joe Biden: 1,575,886 votes – 27.97%
- Elizabeth Warren: 748,687 votes – 13.29%
- Michael Bloomberg: 689,713 votes – 12.24%
- Pete Buttigieg: 247,382 votes – 4.39%
- Amy Klobuchar: 126,031 votes – 2.24%
- Tom Steyer: 111,707 votes – 1.98%
- Andrew Yang: 42,816 votes – 0.76%
- Tulsi Gabbard: 33,027 votes – 0.59%
- Julian Castro: 13,449 votes – 0.24%
- Michael Bennet: 7,113 votes – 0.13%
- Marianne Williamson: 6,093 votes – 0.12%
- Roque De La Fuente III: 6,011 votes – 0.11%
- Cory Booker: 5,853 votes – 0.10%
- John Delaney: 4,484 votes – 0.08%
- Michael Ellinger: 3,319 votes – 0.06%
- Joe Sestak: 3,178 votes – 0.06%
- Mark Greenstein: 3,082 votes – 0.05%
- Deval Patrick: 1,977 votes – 0.04%
- Moise Boyd: 1,592 votes – 0.03%
2020 California Republican Presidential Preference Primary
The Guardian posted the following results (updated March 30, 2020):
- Donald Trump: 2,241,786 votes – 92.19%
- Bill Weld: 66,267 votes – 2.71%
- Joe Walsh: 63,881 votes – 2.64%
- Roque De La Fuente: 23,944 votes – 0.98%
- Matthew Matern: 15,235 votes – 0.63%
- Robert Ardini: 12,691 votes – 0.52%
- Zoltan Istvan: 8,013 votes – 0.33%
What Happened in the 2020 California Primary is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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