The Highbred Dragons collection is one of many collection that players can work on completing in Dragon Mania Legends. The reward for finishing this collection is a Snowpelt dragon.
There are many things players can do with their dragons. They can fight other dragons. They can explore ruins for treasure and food. Dragons can also be bred to make new dragons.

This is what a Tribal Dragon Egg looks like
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that the Tribal Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon which can be obtained through the breeding of two Dragons having together or being able to pass the Fire, Earth, and Wind Elements.
Players must be Level 4 before they can breed a Tribal Dragon.

This is what a Tribal Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Fire Element, the Earth Element, and the Wind Element, so it can be placed into either a Fire Habitat, an Earth Habitat, or a Wind Habitat. Tribal Dragons are Rare.

This is what a baby Tribal Dragon looks like. At first, I put it into a Wind Habitat because I had room. Later, I moved it to an Earth Habitat.
To be honest, the Tribal Dragon makes me uncomfortable. It is wearing a generic looking headdress and has some markings that look as though they were painted on. It doesn’t help that this dragon has red scales/skin (which makes me think of certain sports teams that really need to change their mascots to something that isn’t racist).

This is what an adult Tribal Dragon looks like. The paint markings, generic headdress, and what look like leather cuffs around its feet are more enhanced now. It bothers me, and I don’t make use of this dragon if I can avoid doing so.

This is what a Harpy Dragon Egg looks like.
The Dragon Mania Wiki says a Harpy Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon which can be obtained through the breeding of two Dragons having together or being able to pass the Fire, Wind and Earth Elements.
Players must be Level 4 before they can breed a Harpy Dragon.

This is what a Harpy Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Fire Element, Wind Element, and Earth Element, so it can go into a Fire Habitat, Wind Element, or Earth Habitat. Harpy Dragons are Epic.

You’ve collected a New Dragon! The feathery Harpy Dragon’s bright plumage and beaked jaw give it a bird-like appearance. Perhaps it is the evolutionary missing link between birds and dragons! (Note: further research is required…)

This is what a baby Harpy Dragon looks like. I put it into a Wind Habitat. In order to do that, I had to level up one of my Wind Habitats so I could fit a third dragon on it.

This is what an adult Harpy Dragon looks like. The colors it has match the colors that were on its egg.

The Dragon Mania Wiki says that the Faun Dragon is a Reward-Exclusive Dragon which is awarded only one time if the player has reached Day 7 of the Daily Prizes.
The coolest thing about the Daily Prizes is that missing a day doesn’t count against you. The game stops counting until the next time you play. If you miss a day, or a few days, or many days – it simply starts counting from wherever you left off.

Congratulations! Faun Dragon
Obtaining this dragon as a Daily Prize meant that I didn’t have to try and breed two dragons in order to get it. This dragon arrived as an egg, which had to be hatched.

This is what a Faun Dragon egg looks like.
I really like the intricate swirling lines on the egg. It looks like vines or branches that formed in circular shapes.

This is what a Faun Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Plant Element and the Earth Element, so it can go into either a Plant Habitat or an Earth Habitat. Faun Dragons are Epic.

This is what a baby Faun Dragon looks like. It has cute, curling, horns on the top of its head. The shell looks a lot like the designs on its egg. There is a tiny branch wrapping around its tail. If you look closely, it has circular marks on its legs.
I put this adorable Faun Dragon into a Plant Habitat. It seemed like the best place for it.

This is what an adult Faun Dragon looks like. Its shell has grown horns out of the center of the circular growths. It has two large horns on its head, and two smaller horns growing out the sides of its head. Branches wrap around this dragon. It has somehow grown a short, branch-like, beard.
The Faun Dragon quickly became my favorite dragon. I find it useful in battle because it can use the Earth Element to protect the team, and the Plant Element to poison enemies.

This is what an Elephant Dragon Egg looks like.
The Dragon Mania Wiki says that the Elephant Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon which can be obtained through the breeding of two Dragons having together or being able to pass the Earth, Fire, and Wind Elements.
Players must be Level 4 before they can breed an Elephant Dragon.

This is what an Elephant Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Earth Element, Fire Element, and Wind Element, so it can go into an Earth Habitat, a Fire Habitat, or a Wind Habitat. Elephant Dragons are Epic.

You’ve collected a new dragon! Possessing an exceptionally keen sense of smell, the Elephant Dragon is always quick to report on when this trainer could use a bath.

This is what a baby Elephant Dragon looks like. I put it in an Earth Habitat. It is more adorable than I would have expected it to be, and looks very happy. The tiny little wings, that cannot possibly help it fly, are amusing.

This is what an adult Elephant Dragon looks like. It now has two large tusks by its trunk and two more growing out of the top of its head. The wings on its back have gotten somewhat bigger, but I don’t think this dragon will ever be able to use them to fly.

I have now completed the Highbred Dragons collection. All collections include some kind of reward. For this one, the reward is a Snowpelt Dragon (which is not actually part of the Highbred Dragon collection).

This is what a Snowpelt Dragon Egg looks like. It arrived as an egg, and was a reward, so I did not have to breed two dragons together in order to obtain it.
The Dragon Mania Wiki says the Snowpelt Dragon a Reward-Exclusive Dragon which is awarded only one time if the player has completed the Highbred Dragons collection.

This is what a Snowpelt Dragon Hatchling looks like. It has the Metal Element, the Light Element, and the Fire Element. So, it can be placed into a Metal Habitat, a Light Habitat or a Fire Habitat. A Snowpelt Dragon is Epic

You’ve collected a new dragon! The Snowpelt Dragon’s thick fur means it’s right at home on any frozen mountaintop, using its long tail to balance as it navigates icy cliffs. This trainer can also confirm that hugging it is just the best.

This is what a baby Snowpelt Dragon looks like. I put it into a Light Habitat because it seemed like the best possible fit. All that thick fur would have made it really uncomfortable in a Fire Habitat.

This is what an adult Snowpelt Dragon looks like. Personally, I think its bright yellow features, and very shiny eyes, make it a good fit in a Light Habitat.
Dragon Mania Legends: Highbred Dragons Collection is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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