This Guardian dragon is named Shipwreck. I decided to give him apparel that made him look as though he was underwater. These items were obtained in the Flight Rising game in 2015 and 2016.
Flight Rising is a browser-based game where players collect dragons, breed more dragons, and sell them on the Auction House. There is a huge variety of apparel that players can dress up their dragons with.
All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.
Shipwreck is a male Guardian.
- Primary: Navy Tiger
- Secondary: Splash Basic
- Tertiary: Splash Basic
Shipwreck is wearing the following items:

Diver Crown

Diver Crown: (Apparel) A glorious crown awarded to dragons who have shown good leadership while visiting The Seas of a Thousand Currents (Wavecrest Saturnalia Holiday Item 2016).

Diver Sash: (Apparel) A ceremonial sash gifted to those who have brought honor to the Seas of a Thousand Currents (Wavecrest Saturnalia Holiday Item 2015.)

Warmwater Wanderers: (Apparel) A school of followers for a seafaring leader. (Wavecrest Saturnalia Holiday Item 2016).
I haven’t been able to find the screenshots of the Diver Sash or the Warmwater Wanderers items. If I locate them, I will update this blog post.
Flight Rising: Warmwater Wanderers is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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