Gardens of Time adds in special “Crystal Chapters” every so often. They tend to have a holiday theme (which is why few of them interest me). The only way to play the scenes in a “Crystal Chapter” is to gather up enough crystals. Play the regular scenes, and hope that enough crystals will appear for you to finish the whole thing before the time runs out. It’s a gamble (another reason why I rarely bother with them).

In March, Gardens of Time did two things that caught my attention. One was they created a St. Patrick’s Day “Crystal Chapter”. I’ve always liked the look of the Irish/St. Patrick’s Day items in games like these. The other thing they did was (temporarily) add something else into the game that a player could use to get a lot more crystals in a short span of time. This put things in my favor. I didn’t end up finishing the entire St. Patrick’s Day “Crystal Chapter”, but I got close.

I should probably mention that it wasn’t officially called the “St. Patrick’s Day” chapter. The real name was something like “Chauncy Go Lucky” (one of the NPCs is named Chauncey).

I put the items that I won from finishing quests in this “Crystal Chapter” together with other Irish items that I’d collected previously. I like the way it came out. This was a good enough reason for me to see if I could learn how to use Quicktime to make a short movie of that area in my garden.

Irish Cottage – (the cottage with the sheep in front of it) This is the first item you win after starting this “Crystal Chapter”, when you finish the first scene. It starts with 1 sheep, and you gain two more after you level it all the way to level 5.

Fiddler’s Pub – (the pub with the fiddler playing out front) This is the next big thing you win after finishing the second scene.

Leprechaun’s House – (the big tree with the little Leprechaun under it) This is what you win after you complete the third scene.

Clover Well – (the well with the red top) This appears later on in the Chapter, after you have completed all three scenes and some other quests.

Celtic Stones – (The mini Stonehenge with the clover symbol etched into the ground in front of it) The only way to get this is to collect up at least one of all of the Collection Items that may (or may not) randomly appear as you complete scenes in the “Crystal Chapter”. Trade them in for the Celtic Stones.

Dublin Fountain – (The large fountain with the two people dancing in front of it) You cannot win this until you are almost at the end of all the quests in this chapter. I was running out of time when I managed to win this item.

Other Irish Stuff (that didn’t come from this “Crystal Chapter”):

Lucky Irishman – The little guy in a pot who is throwing gold into the air.

Shamrock Patch – The green patch of shamrocks

Pot Of Gold – The rainbow that ends in a pot of gold

Leprechaun Gnome – The gnome that looks like a Leprechaun (Gardens of Time has a bunch of different gnomes)

Stone Bridge – the small bridge made of stone

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