There was a time when I regularly put effort into earning a card back in Hearthstone. When I started trying to collect card backs, I was having fun with the experience. Once in a while, I return to Hearthstone and attempt to earn another card back.
The best thing about the card backs is the awesome artwork. This blog features all of the card backs that I have earned.


The only card back you’ll ever need.

Hallow’s End

The Hallow’s End candy bucket! Or the Headless Horseman’s spare head! Stick your hand in and find out.
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, October 2014.

Blizzard 2014

The year Hearthstone was born. What a great year!
Acquired by participating in Blizzard events during 2014.


4 out of 5 goblins agree: This card back doesn’t explode!
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, November 2014.


This multifunctional device also works as a gnomish army knife, a shoe horn and a pass to the Deeprun Tram. Gnomish ingenuity!
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, December 2014.


Vindicator Maraad was a paladin of great courage and strength. Don’t let the pretty pastel tones fool you.
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, January 2015.

Lunar New Year

Happy New Year!
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, February 2015.

Heroes of the Storm

This arrived for you from the Nexus. Might want to watch out for those whirling blade thingies.
Acquired from reading Player Level 15 in the Blizzard game Heroes of the Storm.


The Firelord is most often seen relaxing in his hot tub, even when he’s not trying to burn down the world.
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, March 2015.


“Is that a cupcake on a cake?” you ask? Yes. Yes it is.
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, April 2015.


Stealth. Style. Shurikens. Way better than Pirates!
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, May 2015.


Nestled in the boughs of a giant tree, Darnassus is the capital city of the night elves. Also home of the world famous Darnassus Kimchi Pie!
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, June 2015.

Darkspear card back

Vol’jin’s tribe, the Darkspear trolls, no longer practices cannibalism. Officially.
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, July 2015.

Tournament Grounds card back

All over The Grand Tournament’s grounds, you can find knights at jousting practice. Poor target dummies. So much senseless hay shed on the path to glory…
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, August 2015

Unholy Knight card back

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts… AWESOMELY.
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, October 2017.

Gone Fishin’

Buoy oh buoy! Is it reely time for fishing puns? We think knot.
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, November 2017.

Catacomber card back

This card back has already been searched for traps.
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, December 2017.

Frostfire card back

No matter the chill in the air, the tavern is always warm and welcoming.
Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, January 2018

Year of the Mammoth

It was a big year. Massive. Sure, things got a little wooly, but that’s Irrelephant.
Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, March 2018.

Raise the Roof

The finer Gilnean homes feature “Howling Verandas” with unobstructed lunar views.
Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, April 2018


Behold, a grand Army of the Light! Dealing out justice 30 cards at a time.
Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, July 2018.


When life gives you lemons, made delicious card backs!
Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, August 2018.

Dr. Boom’s Lab

Time to experiment! Will you make bombs? Or will you make … MORE bombs?
Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, September 2018.

Blizzard Events 2018

The stars have aligned into a monumental year for Hearthstone!
Acquired by participating in Blizzard events during 2018.


The Frostwolf orc clan trains frost wolves as loyal companions. What a crazy coincidence!
Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, December 2018.

Pizza Stone

For when you want to build a deck with extra cheese.
Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, February 2019.

Mark of Hakkar

Look out! This card back’s gone viral!
Acquired by encountering another player with the Mark of Hakkar card back in any play mode.

Kul Tiras

A seaworthy card back that can anchor even the naughtiest of nautical decks.
Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, March 2019.

Card of Shadows

This card back will wilt your enemy’s crops, ruin their skin, and eat the last piece of their favorite candy. It’s just that evil.
Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, April 2019.

Pristine Scenes

It’s even brighter than Malto’s glorious beard.
Acquired by logging in on an iOS device.

Machine Dreams

Some machines are reportedly capable of transporting heroes into Hearth’s tavern, but it’s just a rumor.
Acquired by logging in on a PC.

Awesome Blossom

Celebrate the fleeting beauty of spring with this eternally pretty card back.
Acquired by winning 5 games in ranked mode, May 2019 or when available in the shop.


Long ago, this card back took up its sacred duty to keep negative emotions from overrunning your board. Though mysterious, it is highly effective.
Acquired by winning 5 games in ranked mode, July 2019.


The Council of Three Hammers always strikes when Ironforge gets hot.
Acquired by winning 5 games in ranked mode, January 2021.

30 Years of Blizzard

Turns out things can stay frosty for a seriously long time.
Acquired from the shop during the anniversary event.

I earned this card back as a reward for hitting Level 15 in Hearthstone in June of 2021.


Historically, this city was only for trolls, ensuring that the pranks were legendary.
Earnable on the Forged in the Barrens Reward Track


The Innkeeper offers to shuffle your cardbacks randomly for you.
Use this cardback if you would like to have a random cardback you own assigned whenever you play!

Sideshow Glow

Follow the lights to experience the ride of a lifetime!
Earnable on the Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Reward Track.


Every Midsummer’s Eve, night elf children gather in the Temple of the Moon for Tyrande’s amazing planetarium show. “By the Light of Elune.”
Acquired from a special promotion.

Shamrock n’ Roll

Luckily, you only need one four leaf clover to turn your fortune around.
Acquired by winning 5 games in ranked mode, June 2021.


He certainly has a thing for crows and ravens.
Acquired from purchasing the Hero Medivh.

I earned the Submarine Card Back in May of 2022.


It’s about time we go and see what waits for us under the sea!
Earnable on the Voyage to the Sunken City Reward Track.

Violet Hold

Crafted to contain even your most nefarious magic-users!
Acquired by winning 5 games in ranked mode, May 2022.
Hearthstone: Card Backs is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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