We posted this blog on our Click-a-Tiel Tumblr after we hit 600 followers.
Max was my very first cockatiel. She was born in 1992. The man who owned the pet store I purchased her from asked if I planned to breed her. I said no. He responded,”That’s good, because her mom and dad were brother and sister.”
That probably explains why Max (who later got the nickname Maxiboo) was so “unique”. She had night blindness, and needed a nightlight. Even with the light, she fell off her perch every night, and then climbed back up. The difference was the light helped her – and her fellow cockatiels – to freak out a little less when she fell.
Max loved to sit on anything that was soft and loved blankys. She also loved to snuggle. When I was in college, I would lay on the floor to study. Max would sit on the back of my neck, curl my hair around her, and take a nap. She also loved to find nice places to sit and take a nap – like the Kleenex box in the photo above.
Max was the sweetest, most mellow, cockatiel I’d ever met. She died in 2014 at the age of 22. We think it was from old age. She died doing one of the things she loved best – sleeping.
This post was originally posted on Tumblr and later on Book of Jen. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.
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