Neko Atsume is a cute little game where the entire purpose is to collect all the cats. Players put a variety of items into their yards/homes, and fill up food dishes with cat food. The cats will appear until the food runs out.
Cats that really like you will give you a Memento. According to Neko Atsume Wiki, a Memento is proof that we have become a cat’s friend.
This blog shows all of the Mementos that Neko Atsume cats have given to me. I’ve included a translation for the screenshots that are in Japanese (and were taken before the game enabled players to switch to English).
When you open the Neko Atsume app, you will see the yard/house that you picked, and all the stuff you put out for the cats. The first time that a cat gave me a Memento, it freaked me out. The screen went black, and I thought the app had broken.
Then, a little cat toddled into the center of the screen and sat down. I clicked on the cat and it gave me a Memento. The Mementos are all little, random, things that a cat might consider to be a treasure. To me, that seems fitting.
Snowball’s Memento is a Flowered Collar. “A small collar with a flower print pattern.”
Smokey’s Memento is a Soft Brush. “A soft brush for fur.”
Spots’s Memento is a Glow Bracelet. “Something to wear at evening events.”
Sunny’s Memento is a Shiny Acorn. “An acorn with a shiny shell.”
Fred’s Memento is a Seashell Earring. “A lovely drop earring with a small seashell.”
Pumpkin’s Memento is Aluminum Pins. “They make rattling noises when you shake them.”
Callie’s Memento is a Damp Matchbox. “The matches are too damp to light.”
Tabitha’s Memento is Random Seeds. “Random Seeds”.
Bandit’s Memento is a Teaser Toy Tip. “A trophy from a hard-fought battle?”
Gabriel’s Memento is a Raffle Ticket. “A ticket for a store raffle”.
Marshmallow’s Memento is a Flower Bookmark. “A bookmark made from a purple pressed flower.”
Socks’s Memento is Small Mittens. “Small, handmade, mittens”.
Lexy’s Memento is a Dirty Toy Animal. “A gently used small stuffed penguin.”
Shadow’s Memento is a Cicada Skin. “The cast-off skin from a molting cicada”.
Bolt’s Memento is a Fish-stick Board. “A small, pungent board that once held fish sticks.”
Breezy’s Memento is an Hourglass. “An hourglass filled with blue sand.”
Pickles’s Memento is a Silent Bell. “A small bell that does not ring.”
Pepper’s Memento is a Toy Mirror. “A small, sturdy mirror.”
Misty’s Memento is a Used Hand Warmer. “A disposable hand warmer that’s already been used.”
Patches’s Memento is Colored Candles. “A colorful assortment of candles.”
Gozer’s Memento is a Scuffed Dime. “A coin with grooves around the edges.”
Cocoa’s Memento is a Six-sided Die. “A normal six-sided die. Good for curing indecision.”
Princess’s Memento is a Bird Feather. “A beautiful osprey feather.”
Ginger’s Memento is a Clean Handkerchief. “A freshly laundered handkerchief.”
Peaches’ Memento is a Bendy Straw. “A plastic straw bent into a silly shape.”
Spud ‘s Memento is an Eyeglass Lens. “A lens from a pair of soda-bottle glasses.”
Mack’s Memento is a Child’s Wristband. “A fabric wristband from an amusement park.”
Speckles’s Memento is a Damaged Spoon. “The tip is so chipped it looks more like a spork.”
Willie’s Memento is a Worn Postcard. “Whatever was written is too smudged to read now.”
Dottie’s Memento is a Bottle Cap. “A bottle cap with a thin piece of cork inside.”
Spooky’s Memento is a Gift-wrap Ribbon. “A slightly tangled ribbon once used to wrap presents.”
Apricot’s Memento is a Tiny Toothbrush. “A special toothbrush for cats. It looks like it’s been used.”
Ganache’s Memento is a Puzzle Piece. “A piece from a jigsaw puzzle.”
Macchiato’s Memento is a Leather Choker. “A leather choker with a broken locket that won’t open.”
Melange’s Memento is a Soft Scarf. “A soft scarf. The back is embroidered with some sort of words.”
Joe DiMeowgio’s Memento is a Signed Baseball. “A baseball with someone’s autograph.”
Xerxes IX’s Memento is Pretty Stones. “Beautiful, clear stones of unknown value.”
Saint Purrtick’s Memento is a Mysterious Stone. “A uniquely shaped polished stone that radiates power.”
Conductor Whisker’s Memento is a Hand-drawn Ticket. “A ticket drawn by a child, but too smudged to read.”
Tubbs’s Memento is Fish Jerky. “Piece of dried fish covered in claw marks.”
Mr. Meogwi’s Momento is an Odd Wooden Charm. “A wood tag used for border crossings in ancient times.”
Ramses the Great’s Memento is an Elegant Staff. “A staff with a complex design.”

Patsy’s memento is a wilted plant bulb. “A shriveled plant bulb with traces of dirt on it.”

Ms. Fortune’s memento is a gold coin. “A shiny gold coin.”

Willow’s memento is a Forgotten Key. “A small toy key. No one knows where it goes to.”

Sooty’s memento is Game Pieces. “Pieces of various board games. Seems rather new and not used much.”

Quicksilver’s Memento is a Handmade Otedama. “A toy made out of pieces of fabric sewn together. It looks worn out.”
Neko Atsume: Mementos is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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