There are a lot of medals that players can earn in Pokémon GO. It is possible to earn all of them simply by playing the game as you typically would.
There are three versions of each medal: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Some medals offer special bonuses to players, or unlock in-game items.
Here are the medals that I have earned all three versions of in Pokémon GO (so far). This blog post will be updated when I earn more.
The notifications pop-ups in this blog post were current when I earned a medal. Some have changed since then. The medals, and the information attached to them, are current as of the date I put together this blog post.

Kanto Bronze medal notification
Registered 5 Kanto region Pokémon in the Pokédex.

Kanto Bronze medal
- LeafGreen Bag
- LeafGreen Wristbands
- LeafGreen Hat
- LeafGreen Skirt
- LeafGreen Top
- LeafGreen Shoes

Kanto Silver medal notification
Registered 50 Pokémon in the Pokédex.

Kanto Silver medal

Kanto Silver medal notification
Register 100 Kanto region Pokémon in the Pokédex.

Kanto Gold medal

Collector Bronze medal notification
Captured 30 Pokémon.

Collector Silver medal notification
Captured 500 Pokémon.

Collector Gold medal notification
Catch 2000 Pokémon.

Collector Gold medal

Scientist Bronze medal notification
Evolve 3 Pokémon.

Bronze Scientist medal

Silver Scientist medal

Gold Scientist medal notification
Evolve 200 Pokémon.

Gold Scientist medal

Backpacker Bronze medal notification
Visit 100 PokéStops.

Backpacker Bronze medal

Backpacker Silver medal notification
Visit 1000 PokéStops.

Backpacker Silver Medal

Backpacker Gold medal notification
Visit 2000 PokéStops.

Backpacker Gold medal

Johto Bronze notification
Register 5 Pokémon first discovered in the Johto region to the Pokédex.

Bronze Johto medal
- Johto Bag
- Johto Cap
- Johto Pants
- Johto Top
- Johto Shoes
- Johto Socks

Johto Silver medal notification
Register 30 Pokémon first discovered in the Johto region to the Pokédex.

Johto Silver medal

Gold Johto notification
Register 70 Pokémon first discovered in the Johto region to the Pokédex.

Gold Johto medal

Schoolkid Bronze notification
Caught 10 Normal-type Pokémon.

Reward: +1 Normal-type catch bonus

Schoolkid Silver notification
Caught 50 Normal-type Pokémon.

Bronze Schoolkid medal
Reward: +2 Normal-type catch bonus

Gold Schoolkid notification
Caught 200 Normal-type Pokémon.

Gold Schoolkid medal
Reward: +3 Normal-type catch bonus

Bird Keeper Bronze notification
Caught 10 Flying-type Pokémon.

Bronze Bird Keeper medal
Reward: +1 Flying-type catch bonus.

Silver Bird Keeper medal
Caught 50 Flying-type Pokémon.

Bird Keeper Silver medal
Reward: +2 Flying-type catch bonus

Gold Bird Keeper notification
Catch 200 Flying-type Pokémon.

Bird Keeper Gold medal
Reward: +3 Flying-type catch bonus.

Punk Girl Bronze medal
Catch 10 Poison-type Pokémon.
Reward: +1 Poison-type catch bonus.

Silver Punk Girl notification
Caught 50 Poison-type Pokémon.

Silver Punk Girl medal
Reward: +2 Poison-type catch bonus

Gold Punk Girl notification
Catch 200 Poison-type Pokémon.

Gold Punk Girl medal
Reward: +3 Poison-type catch bonus.

Bronze Ruin Maniac notification
Caught 10 Ground-type Pokémon.

Bronze Ruin Manic medal
Reward: +1 Ground-type catch bonus.

Silver Ruin Maniac notification
Catch 50 Ground-type Pokémon.

Silver Ruin Maniac medal
Reward: +2 Ground-type catch bonus

Gold Ruin Maniac notification
Catch 200 Ground-type Pokémon.

Bronze Hiker notification
Caught 10 Rock-type Pokémon.

Bronze Hiker medal
Reward: +1 Rock-type catch bonus

Bronze Hiker notification
Catch 50 Rock-type Pokémon.

Bronze Hiker medal
Reward: +2 Rock-type catch bonus

Gold Hiker notification
Catch 200 Rock-type Pokémon.

Hiker Gold medal
Reward: +3 Rock-type catch bonus

Bronze Bug Catcher notification
Caught 10 Bug-type Pokémon.

Bronze Bug Catcher medal
Reward: +1 Bug-type catch bonus

Silver Bug Catcher notification
Caught 50 Bug-type Pokémon.

Silver Bug Catcher medal
Reward: +2 Bug-type catch bonus

Gold Bug Catcher notification

Gold Bug Catcher medal
Reward: +3 Bug-type catch bonus

Kindler Bronze medal
Caught 10 Fire-type Pokémon.

Bronze Kindler medal
Rewards: +1 Fire-type catch bonus

Silver Kindler medal notification
Catch 50 Fire-type Pokémon

Silver Kindler medal
Reward: +2 Fire-type catch bonus

Gold Kindler medal
Catch 200 Fire-type Pokémon.

Gold Kindler medal
Reward: +3 Fire-type catch bonus

Bronze Swimmer notification
Caught 10 Water-type Pokémon.

Swimmer Bronze medal
Reward: +1 Water-type catch bonus

Bronze Swimmer notification
Catch 50 Water-type Pokémon.

Silver Swimmer medal
Reward: +2 Water-type catch bonus

Gold Swimmer notification
Catch 200 Water-type Pokémon.

Gold Swimmer medal
Reward: +3 Water-type catch bonus

Bronze Gardener notification
Caught 10 Grass-type Pokémon.

Bronze Gardener medal
Reward: +1 Grass-type catch bonus

Silver Gardener notification
Caught 50 Grass-type Pokémon.

Silver Gardener medal
Reward: +2 Grass-type catch bonus

Gold Gardener medal
Catch 200 Grass-type Pokémon.

Gold Gardener medal
Reward: +3 Grass-type catch bonus

Bronze Rocker notification
Catch 10 Electric-type Pokémon.

Bronze Rocker medal
Reward: +1 Electric-type catch bonus

Silver Rocker notification
Catch 50 Electric-type Pokémon.

Silver Rocker medal
Reward: +2 Electric-type catch bonus

Gold Rocker notification
Catch 200 Electric-type Pokémon.

Gold Rocker medal
Reward: +3 Electric-type catch bonus

Bronze Psychic notification
Catch 10 Psychic-type Pokémon.

Bronze Psychic medal
Reward: +1 Psychic-type catch bonus

Silver Psychic notification
Catch 50 Psychic-type Pokémon.

Silver Psychic medal
Reward: +2 Psychic-type catch bonus

Gold Psychic notification
Catch 200 Psychic-type Pokémon.

Gold Psychic medal
Reward: +3 Psychic-type catch bonus

Bronze medal Hoenn notification
Register 5 Pokémon first discovered in the Hoenn region to the Pokédex.

Bronze Hoenn medal

Silver Hoenn medal notification
Register 40 Pokémon first discovered in the Hoenn region to the Pokédex.

Silver Hoenn medal

Gold Hoenn medal notification
Register 90 Pokémon first discovered in the Hoenn region to the Pokédex.

Gold Hoenn medal

Bronze Idol medal notification
Become Best Friends with 1 Trainer.

Bronze Idol medal

Silver Idol medal notification
Become Best Friends with 2 Trainers.

Silver Idol medal

Gold Idol medal notification
Become Best Friends with 3 Trainers.

Gold Idol medal

Bronze Fairy Tale Girl notification
Catch 10 Fairy-type Pokémon.

Bronze Fairy Tale Girl medal
Reward: +1 Fairy-type catch bonus

Silver Fairy Tale Girl notification
Catch 50 Fairy-type Pokémon.

Silver Fairy Tale Girl medal
Reward: +2 Fairy-type catch bonus

Gold Fairy Tale Girl notification
Catch 200 Fairy-type Pokémon.

Gold Fairy Tale Girl medal
Reward: +3 Fairy-type catch bonus

Bronze Hex Maniac notification
Catch 10 Ghost-type Pokémon.

Bronze Hex Maniac medal
Reward: +1 Ghost-type catch bonus

Silver Hex Maniac notification
Catch 50 Ghost-type Pokémon.

Silver Hex Maniac medal
Reward: +2 Ghost-type catch bonus

Gold Hex Maniac notification
Catch 200 Ghost-type Pokémon.

Gold Hex Maniac Medal
Reward: +3 Ghost-type catch bonus.
Pokémon GO: Medals is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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