Pinky is interested in the camera, while Pepper snoozes in the background.

The photos you see in this blog post were taken by Shawn Thorpe.

Morris is suddenly interested in the camera.

Morris doesn’t sit still for very long. He got distracted by the door that we open up when their water needs to be refilled. Morris likes to open and shut that little door, over and over.

Morris likes to sit in the corner of the cage, with feet spread apart so he can touch two sides at the same time. He has become interested in the lemon tree outside the window, and has spent time watching it.

The tree is growing, and needs to be cut back. We think Morris has bad vision, so maybe this is the first time he’s seen the tree.


Peaceful Cockatiels was originally posted on Book of Jen. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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