Close up of a crow by Dimitar Donovski on Unsplash
Earlier today, a large crow sat at the front of our mobile home and yelled. Later, another, (or maybe the same crow?) stood in the middle of the alleyway and barked at the mobile home across the way.
Then, the crow turned around and looked at me. A second crow sat up on a wire, watching.
We decided to feed them some walnuts. The first crow hesitantly bounced over to the food, picked up a big piece of walnut, and flew away.
The one on the wire came down and did the same.
Then, three more crows were hesitantly walking toward our driveway, to get more walnuts.
“Go ahead. It’s for you,” I quietly told them from inside my house and through an open window.
I am certain they will be back.
… Is this how the Raven Queen got started?
February 23, 2021