Dragon Mania Legends has many different types of dragons for the player to collect. The dragons can fight other dragons, explore for special items, and be bred to make new dragons.

The reward for completing the Metallic Dragons Collection is 5 Gems. This is a useful reward because Gems are an in-game currency that can be used to purchase items that are cannot be purchased with Gold.

This is what a Metal Dragon egg looks like.

The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that the Metal Dragon can be obtained by breeding any two dragons that both either have the Metal Element or are able to pass the Metal element to their offspring.

Players must be Level 15 before they can breed a Metal Dragon.

Here is a Metal Dragon hatchling. It has the Metal Element, so it can be placed in a Metal Habitat. The Metal Dragon is Common.

This is what a baby Metal Dragon looks like. I put in a Metal Habitat. In my opinion, the Metal Dragon baby looks a bit awkward.

Here is what an adult Metal Dragon looks like. What was once an awkward looking baby has grown up into a very nice looking dragon.

This is what a War Dragon egg looks like.

The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that the War Dragon can be obtained by breeding two dragons that have the Metal and Fire Elements. I’m not sure if this means one dragon with the Metal Element and one dragon with the Fire Element – or if both parent dragons need to have both Elements.

Players must be Level 15 before they can breed a War Dragon.

Here is what a War Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Metal Element and the Fire Element. So, it can be placed into either a Metal Habitat or a Fire Habitat. The War Dragon is Common.

This is what a War Dragon baby looks like. I put him into a Metal Habitat. The stripes on its body match the stripes that were on its egg.

Here is what a War Dragon adult looks like. It’s not so easy to see in this screenshot, but the ridge across its back and tail are translucent.

This is what a Razor Dragon egg looks like.

The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that a Razor Dragon can be obtained by breeding two dragons that together have the Metal and Wind Elements. This means you could breed a dragon that has the Metal Element with a Dragon that has the Wind Element.

Players must be Level 15 before they can breed a Razor Dragon.

Here is what a Razor Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Metal Element and the Wind Element. So, it can be placed in either a Metal Habitat or a Wind Habitat. The Razor Dragon is uncommon.

This is what a Razor Dragon baby looks like. If you look closely, you can see that it has round scales on some parts of its body. I put this dragon into a Wind Habitat at first.

Here is an adult Razor Dragon. I eventually put it into a Metal Habitat. The razors on its back look like the decorations on its egg.

This is what an Armored Dragon egg looks like.

The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that an Armored Dragon can be obtained by breeding two dragons that together have the Metal Element and the Earth Element. This means one dragon can have the Metal Element, and another dragon can have the Earth Element.

Players must be Level 15 before they can breed a Razor Dragon.

Here is what an Armored Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Metal Element and the Earth Element. So, it can be placed in either a Metal Habitat or an Earth Habitat. The Armored Dragon is uncommon.

This is what an Armored Dragon baby looks like. I put it into a Metal Habitat. The Armored Dragon egg is light pink and grey, but the Armored Dragon turned out to be a light grey and dark grey.

Here is what the Armored Dragon looks like after it becomes an adult. If you look closely, you can see that the dark grey areas of its body have pointy scales.

Dragon Mania Legends: Metallic Dragons Collection is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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