The Spark Dragons Collection is one of many collections that players can complete in Dragon Mania Legends. This is the first one I’ve completed that had more than four dragons in it. The reward for completing this collection is 5 Gems.
Dragon Mania Legends has a goofy story line that players see as they defeat dragons in certain locations on a map. You can also breed dragons, fight dragons, and do some events that last for a limited time.

This is what an Energy Dragon Egg looks like.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that the Energy Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon. It can be obtained through breeding any two Dragons that both either have the Energy Element or are able to pass that Element to their offspring.
Players must be Level 19 before they can breed an Energy Dragon.

This is what an Energy Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Energy Element, so it must be placed into an Energy Habitat. Energy Dragons are Common.

This is what a baby Energy Dragon looks like. Its body has the same yellow color as its shell did. The light blue crystals on the top of its head look like the ones that were on the top of its egg. If you look closely, you can see lightning crackling through its wings and crystals.
I put it into an Energy Habitat because that’s the only one it can go into.

This is what an adult Energy Dragon looks like. The crystals on its head have grown larger, and there is now one on the end of its nose. Its wings have gotten bigger, and its claws are more prominent. It is easier to see the lightning crackling over this dragon’s wings and crystals.
The body of this dragon now has the same kind of scales that its egg did.

I earned the Plasma Dragon as a reward during one of the games where players received certain prizes for logging in every day.

After hitting the “claim” button, a screen popped up that said “Milestone completed!” It said “Back in Session” underneath that. It shows an adult Plasma Dragon. A player who earned this reward has to click the “Claim” button to get it.

This is what a Plasma Dragon egg looks like.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that the Plasma Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon that can be obtained through the breeding of two dragons having together the Fire and Energy Elements.
Players must be Level 19 before they can breed a Plasma Dragon.

This is what a Plasma Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Fire Element and the Energy Element, so it can go into a Fire Habitat or an Energy Habitat. Plasma Dragons are Common.

This is what a baby Plasma Dragon looks like. Unlike some other dragon babies, this one looks a bit awkward. There is lightning crackling over its wings. I put the Plasma Dragon into a Fire Habitat because there was room. I can move this dragon to an Energy Habitat if I need to.

This is what an adult Plasma Dragon looks like. The awkward baby has become a formidable looking adult! The horns on top of and on the side of its head now look like weapons. There is lightning crackling not only over its wings, but also around its horns.

This is what a Geiger Dragon egg looks like. The top is a sickly green, and the bottom is glowing ominously. It seems radioactive, and as though it might be partially made from uranium.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that a Geiger Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon which can be obtained through the breeding of two dragons having together the Earth and Energy Elements.
Players much be Level 19 before they can breed a Geiger Dragon.

You’ve collected a new dragon! The Geiger Dragon is an incredibly useful friend to have while mining because you can count on it to alert you to the presence of any harmful radiation.

This is what a Geiger Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Earth Element and the Energy Element, so it can be placed into either an Earth Habitat or an Energy Habitat. Geiger Dragons are Common.
To me, the Geiger Dragon looks like a recolor of the Lava Dragon.

This is what a baby Geiger Dragon looks like. It has a mixture of the sickly green part, and the radioactive – stay far away – part of its egg. I put the Geiger Dragon into an Energy Habitat.

This is what an adult Energy Dragon looks like. The scales on its underside are much more prominent now, and it has grown some new markings on its head.

This is what an Eel Dragon egg looks like.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that the Eel Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon which can be obtained through the breeding of two dragons together having the Water and Energy Elements.
Players much be Level 19 before they can breed an Eel Dragon.

This is what an Eel Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Water Element and the Energy Element, so it can be placed in either a Water Habitat or an Energy Habitat. Eel Dragons are Common.

This is what a baby Eel Dragon looks like. This dragon’s expression is one of absolute amazement. It has some lightning crackling over its body. I had to put the Eel Dragon into a Legendary Habitat because it was the only Habitat that had room for it when it hatched. Legendary Habitats seem to accept any type of dragon.
At the time I am writing this blog post, I am in the process of moving the Eel Dragon to an Energy Habitat.

This is what an adult Eel Dragon looks like. It is no longer amazed at the world around it, and is ready to get into a battle! I really like the color of this dragon and the way the lightning crackles across its body.

I earned the Honey Dragon by completing part of the Graze Craze event.

This is what a Honey Dragon Egg looks like. The design and color makes me think that there is a wasp inside it. In general, one should not poke a wasp’s nest, but in Dragon Mania Legends, the only way to hatch an egg is to swipe over it several times.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says that the Honey Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon which can be obtained through the breeding of two dragons having together the Plant and Energy Elements. Honey Dragons are Common.
Players much be Level 19 before they can breed a Honey Dragon.

This is what a Honey Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Plant Element and the Energy Element, so it can go into either a Plant Habitat or an Energy Habitat.

You’ve collected a new dragon! This trainer enjoys the company of the Honey Dragon, who has a very sweet disposition. However, the Bee Dragon is jealous of them spending time with others, and often swoops in to carry off the Honey Dragon and hide it.
The Bee Dragon is part of the First Friends Collection, and can be earned by logging into Dragon Mania Legends on two different days.

This is what a baby Honey Dragon looks like. I put it into a Plant Habitat. Most of the dragons in the Spark Dragons Collection have lightning cracking across it, are glowing with radiation. The Honey Dragon seemed to fit better in a Plant Habitat than in an Energy Habitat.

This is what an adult Honey Dragon looks like. It has gained the wasp-like carapace that was on its egg. The top of its head has this wasp-like “armor”, and so does its back. The end of the Honey Dragon’s tail has grown spikes.

This is what a UV Dragon Egg looks like. It appears to be made of metal scales, with a gently glowing light coming from inside the egg.
The Dragon Mania Legends Wiki says the UV Dragon is a normally-breedable dragon that can be obtained through the breeding of two dragons having together the Metal and Energy Elements.
Players much be Level 19 before they can breed a UV Dragon.

This is what a UV Dragon hatchling looks like. It has the Metal Element and the Energy Element, so it can be placed into either a Metal Habitat or a Plant Habitat. UV Dragons are Uncommon.

This is what a baby UV Dragon looks like. It is a bit clunky looking, and I think it is at risk of having its oversized head knock it over. I put it into an Energy Habitat.

This is what an adult UV Dragon looks like. It has grown up into a nice looking dragon. There are metal scales on its body that resemble the ones on its egg. It has retained the soft UV glow in between the scales, on its wings, and other places.
Dragon Mania Legends: Spark Dragons Collection is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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