Flight Rising is a game that is all about dragons. Naturally, players want to show off their beautiful (or incredibly ugly) dragons. The topic for Theme Week number 5 was: Fashion. Show off the three most fashionable dragons in your Lair!
All of the artwork you see in this post are copyright of Flight Rising.
I highly recommend that you stop by the Dragon Share Forum and check out all of the very fashionable dragons that players have shared. The topic doesn’t stay at the top of the Forum for very long. I’m not sure if they are being deleted or if they just end up pushed down after players make newer posts. If you wait too long, you might miss it.
Here are my three most fashionable dragons:
I might have been able to pick a few more dragons that also were kind of “dressy”. But, the Forum post set the limit at three. Not everyone limited themselves to posting only three dragons, but most people followed the rules. I’m really enjoying the Theme Weeks!