Today is Day 6 of the 2017 Fall Pollen Season. The most productive thing I did today was use our new coffee machine to make myself a cup of coffee. I would have preferred iced coffee, but had not yet worked out how to tell the machine what I wanted.
I attribute my mistake with the coffee machine to three things. One: the pollen count has been too high for me for six days in a row. Being sick for a week straight tends to make me lose focus.
Two: I attempted to make coffee, for the first time ever on this new machine, on very little sleep. Three: New skills require lots of repetition before I “get” what I’m doing.
The hot coffee ended up being a good choice. The pollen count today was 8.1, and I was suffering. Turns out that hot coffee is nice when I have a sore throat.
Usually, Shawn is kind enough to make coffee for me. He’s currently at a podcaster conference for a work-related thing. I’m on my own at the start of Fall pollen season, and its been a long time since that happened. There’s plenty of food in the refrigerator, and tons of snacks on top of it. I will survive.
Hot Coffee is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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