Bon Chomps is the seventeenth town in Kitchen Scramble. It is the next one after Chef Academy 4 (which is the sixteenth town). Bon Chomps focuses on French cuisine. In this town, we learn more about the character I’ve been referring to as “The Mime”.

Chef Crisp: Are you ready for your next culinary challenge? Welcome to Bon Chomps, where you will learn French cuisine!

Pepper: I can’t wait to learn new foods and see new faces!

Pepper: Oh, hello there!

The mime stands silently, not saying anything at all to Pepper.

Pepper: Um, nice to meet you!
New recipes for Level 390 are:

Cheese Plate


French Dip Sandwich

I got three stars on Level 390!

Pepper: Nice to meet you mister, uh-
Once again, the mime remains silent.

Fashionista: “Jules.” The great performer, coming to your truck. What an honor!
We finally learn what the mime’s name is – Jules! It turns out he is a famous performer.
Level 390 wasn’t too difficult to complete (though it took more than one try). I had enough Kitchen Cash to upgrade one of my appliances to the gold version.

Premium Work Board: Putting all your dishes together in a snap! Wow!
I chose the Premium Work Board because two of the three recipes in Level 390 needed to be put together on a Work Board. The Premium version works faster than the one I had.
New recipes for Level 391 was:

Onion Au Gratin
There was a problem that prevented me from starting Level 391. The game required me to buy a double boiler. The first version of this appliance required me to spend gold. The problem was that I did not have enough gold to buy it. To solve this problem, I played through some Chef Academy 4 levels until I obtained enough gold to buy the required appliance.

This is what the inside of Pepper’s food truck looks like. Next to her is the double broiler that I was required to buy before I could start Level 391. It is extremely slow!

I got three stars on Level 391!

Pepper: So glad to have you here, Jules!

Once again, Jules the performer stays quiet.

Pepper: Well, please enjoy your meal… whatever it is. Bon appetit!
New recipe for Level 392 was:


I got three stars on Level 392!

Pepper: How can I serve Jules what he wants if he won’t say anything?

Chef Crisp: Maybe some of your other customers have an idea.

Student: Your French dip sandwich is amazing, Pepper! I love it!

I got three stars on Level 393!
This level was one that ends when the player loses a total of three customers. You can still attempt to serve any customers who are still there once the third customer leaves without eating.
New recipe for Level 394 is:

Apple Tart

I got three stars on Level 394!
It took a little bit of practice to not only learn, but also remember, the ingredients for an Apple Tart. In addition, I had to make sure I served at least 5 Onion Au Gratin dishes before time ran out. As always, the game might not give the player enough customers who want that dish.
New recipe for Level 395 is:

Creme Brulee

I got three stars on Level 395!
This level limited players to a certain amount of customers. It made it harder to earn gold stars. The way I got around this problem was spending gold on some ingredients.

Race Car Driver: I came to enter a race, and I heard your food truck was in the area.

Pepper: Oh, thanks for making a pit stop!

Race Car Driver: I can speed past anything, except the chance to eat here!
New recipe for Level 396 is:

French Onion Soup

I got three stars on Level 396!
This level was another one that allowed the player to serve as many customers as possible – up until a total of three customers left without being served.
New recipe for Level 397 is:

Garlic Butter Clams

I got three stars on Level 397!
This level required the player to serve at least six servings of Meringue to customers. It is possible to get three gold stars without doing that – but it won’t actually count.

I completed a Location Goal that required me to serve 225 French Dip Sandwiches to customers. The game counts it as you play, and I actually had served 227 sandwiches by the time I finished Level 397.
The new recipes for Level 398 were:

Croque Madame

Croque Monsieur

I got three stars in Level 398!

Mechanic: Watching your act is making me hungry!

Jules does not respond to the Mechanic.

Mechanic: Have you tried the “truffle frites”? That means “truffle fries,” and they sure are good!

Truffle Frites

I got three stars in Level 399!
This was another level where the player could serve as many customers that arrived – right up until a total of three customers leave before getting served food. It can be challenging to complete it.
New recipe for Level 401 is:


I got three stars in Level 401!
Level 401 was yet another level that ended soon after the player had three customers leave without being served. This is a repetitive thing in Bon Chomps! Eventually, I was able to get used to it.

Here is what the first half of Bon Chomps looked like when I finished it.

I had now finished the first half of the Bon Chomps town. The next step was to go through the Token Gate. This Token Gate required 110 Tokens. I had 340 Tokens, so this was no problem at all.

I passed through the Bon Chomps Token Gate!
The new recipe for Level 402 is:


I got three stars on Level 402!
This was a level where the player had to serve a certain number of a specific food. One would assume that the food would be the Bouillabaisse – but no. Instead, the player has to serve at least four servings of Garlic Butter Clams before the timer ran out.

Reporter: So you’re here with your class on a field trip?

Mei: That’s right! It’s a lot of fun, but all this walking around makes us hungry. My classmates and I can’t wait to try Pepper’s French cooking!

Reporter: There you have it, folks! Our young people enjoy Pepper’s cooking both near and far from home.
Mei is one of the school girls who lives in Mount Foodji which primarily focuses on sushi. It also features other Japanese foods. She also appears in the towns after that one, often asking for several servings of the same type of food to bring back to her study-mates.
The new recipe for Level 403 is:

Pot Au Feu

I got three stars on Level 403!
Level 403 was one where the game limits you to a specific amount of customers. When you run out – either by serving them or having them leave, the level ends.
New recipe for Level 404 is:

Beef Terrine

I got three stars on Level 404!

I got three stars on Level 405!

Fashionista: Jules, have you tried the creme brulee?

Jules remains silent.

Fez: What about a chocolate souffle?

Fashionista: Pepper’s souffle is delicious, but the creme brulee is tres magnifique!

Fez: Hummph, well I will be ordering chocolate souffle. Suit yourselves.
New recipe for Level 406 is:

Chocolate Souffle

I got two stars in Level 406.

Double Broiler L2: This model heats with more speed, but no less care!
The Double Broiler that the player starts out with was expensive, and I had to backtrack into previous towns in order to gather enough gold coins to buy it. The first one is super slow! The Double Broiler L2 is faster than the first version – but I wouldn’t call it fast.
It was possible to try and play through the rest of Bon Chomps without this (slightly) faster Double Broiler. However, I learned I could not make good progress with the original Double Broiler.
The moment I gathered up 200,000 coins, I bought the Double Broiler L2. It made it much easier for me to go back to previous Bon Chomps levels and earn two or three stars in them.

The inside of Pepper’s food truck now has a Double Broiler L2. It also has several gold level appliances, including the mixer, mixing bowl, and soup bowl, and Work Board.

I got three stars on Level 407!
This level required players to serve 8 French Onion Soup recipes to customers. A player can lose up to four customers who walk away before being served. Once you hit four – you can keep serving the remaining customers – but will not get any additional ones. I ended up serving 12 French Onion Soup recipes.

Race Car Driver: I has better get my dessert before the race starts!

Fez: Won’t the extra weight slow you down?
The Kitchen Scramble Wiki says the nicely dressed gentleman is named “Fez”. Typically, characters are named based on what their job is (with a few exceptions). The gentleman is wearing a red hat that is called a Fez.

Race Car Driver: C’est le Grand Prix! One can’t race their best on an empty stomach!
New recipe for Level 408 was:

Chicken Terrine

I got three stars in Level 408!

Pepper: Do you think Jules is enjoying the food?

Fashionista: Who couldn’t enjoy it? Your French cooking is to die for! Isn’t that right, Jules?

Jules looks at the Fashionista. He doesn’t say anything.

I got two stars on Level 409.

I completed another Location Goal! This one required the player to Serve 3200 Customers. I served 3201 Customers. The reward for completing this Goal is 10 Tokens.

I got three stars on Level 410!
Level 410 required players to serve at least 8 servings of Ratatouille to customers. It also limited players to allowing up to four customers to leave without having been served. After the fourth customer leaves, the player can try to serve the customers who are still there, but won’t get any new customers.

I got two stars on Level 411!

I got two stars on Level 412!

I got two stars in Level 413!
This level required the player to serve at least 5 Creme Brulee’s to customers. Sometimes the game would not give the player enough customers who wanted a Creme Brulee. In addition, the level ends after the player loses five customers who had not yet been served. It took me more than one try to get two stars on this level.

I got two stars on Level 414!
Level 414 is the last one in the Bon Chomps town.

Pepper: I’ve had an amazing time learning French cuisine, and serving my first silent customer.

Chef Crisp: Yes, he’s a true artist! I’m sure your cooking inspired him.

Goddess of Love: Inspiration, indeed! Pepper, are you ready for a new adventure?

Pepper: Always!

Goddess of Love: Come with me, then! I need your help serving up something spicy for an exotic event!

Here is what the second half of Bon Chomps looked like after I was finished with it.
Kitchen Scramble App – Bon Chomps! is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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Hi. I’m playing this game now and want you to know your site has been really helpful and made me enjoy the game more. Thank you for having taken the time to post all of this.