Each new Season in Diablo III comes with a new Season Journey for players to work their way through. The Season Journey has changed from one Season to the next, which is a good thing because it keeps us from getting bored.
In this blog, I have details about what the Season Journey for Season 6 was like. I was able to complete up through Chapter IV. (There was more to do – but this was as far as I got).
A New Start: Complete 5 Bounties. Open up the Waypoint Map in Adventure Mode to see what Bounties are available.
The “Achievement Toast” popped up on my screen for that one. Many of the “Achievement Toasts” failed to pop up for me.
Begin Again: Complete a Nephalem Rift. Click the Nephalem Obelisk in town while in Adventure Mode to start a Nephalem Rift.
Iron Heart: Raise the Blacksmith to level 5. The Blacksmith crafts weapons and armors and salvages items into crafting materials for you.
I Like Jewels: Raise the Jeweler to level 5. The Jeweler crafts gems and jewelry and unsockets gems for you.
Cause Killin You Is Easy: Kill Quene Araneae.
Calling All Heroes: Kill Cydaea.
Shake It Fast: Raise the Mystic to level 5. The Mystic can replace one unwanted property on each item for you. The Mystic can also change the look of your items via Transmogrification.
Socket To Me: Socket a gem in an item. Gems and items that are socketable do not start dropping until level 15.
Wasting My Young Years: Reach level 35. If enemies are too easy, raising the difficulty will also increase the amount of experience you gain. You can raise the difficulty outside of game through the Game Settings UI.
I completed all of Chapter I in Season 6.
The rewards for completing Chapter 1 – Chapter IV in Season 6 were: a new Portrait Frame, a new Pennant, and a complete set (based on the class of your character).
I was playing a Hardcore Witch Doctor in Season 6, so I was working on obtaining the Zunimassa’s Haunt set.
The moment I unlocked Chapter II, I discovered that I’d already completed some of its objectives. When the “Achievement Toasts” don’t pop up, I have absolutely no idea I’d completed an objective – until I unlock that Chapter.
Build Me Up Buttercup: Craft an item at the Blacksmith.
Hard: Complete a Nephalem Rift on Hard difficulty or higher.
Friends With Benefits: Fully equip one of your followers.
Watch Yourself: Raise up the Mystic to level 10. Leveling up the Mystic enables her to enchant more items and unlocks new Transmogrify looks.
Kanai’s Excellent Adventure: Find Kanai’s Cube. Kanai’s Cube can be found in Act III in the Ruins of Sescheron. Kanai’s Cube can be used for very powerful things such as extracting Legendary Powers and upgrading Rare items into Legendary items.
A Life With Meaning: Raise the Blacksmith to level 10. Leveling up the Blacksmith unlocks access to higher level weapon and armor recipes.
Just a Hobby: Raise the Jeweler to level 10. Leveling up the Jeweler unlocks access to higher level gem recipes.
Hero of Sanctuary: Reach Level 60.
Crash: Kill Maghda at level 60 or higher on Hard difficulty or higher.
Last Chance: Kill Adria at level 60 or higher on Hard difficulty or higher.
I completed Season Journey Chapter II in Season 6.
Hey There Kadala: Spend Blood Shards at Kadala. Kadala has a 10% chance to give you a Legendary.
The Rock: Craft a Gem of Imperial or greater quality at the Jeweler. Socketing an Emerald into your weapon increases your Critical Hit Damage and is a big damage boost.
Forged Credentials: Raise the Blacksmith to level 12. You will need Death’s Breath, which can be found by killing Rare or Champion enemies level 61 higher.
Run The Jewels: Raise the Jeweler to level 12. You will need Death’s Breath, which can be found by killing Rare or Champion enemies level 61 or higher.
Show Me What You Workin’ With: Raise the Mystic to level 12. Level 11 enables the ability to enchant Rings and level 12 enables the ability to enchant Helms and Pants.
Change Clothes: Transmogrify an item at the Mystic.
In Season 6, I was trying to see what would happen if I really pushed myself while playing a hardcore character. I made it through Chapter I and was getting close to completing Chapter II. Things were going well, or so I thought.
Who, my first hardcore Witch Doctor of Season 6, died at level 69. It was frustrating to get this close to 70 without quite reaching it.
This was disappointing, but I wasn’t too worried about it. Season 6 was still new, and there was plenty of time for me to complete the Season Journey (or, at least, to get through Chapter IV).
I rolled a brand new hardcore Witch Doctor and named him Bones.
Bones didn’t last very long.
A nice person was helping me level, and I stupidly ran into the room he was in and died. The blue monster dropped one of those pink arcane things right on top of Bones. He made it to level 13, and had a 35 minute lifespan.
It was time to start paying attention! (And, perhaps, not play a hardcore character while on a bunch of allergy medication.) I rolled my third Witch Doctor of the season and named him McCoy.
The last two objectives that I had to complete in Chapter III required me to do them with a Level 70 Seasonal character. This didn’t take as long as I expected, thanks to another friend who helped me level up.
Players that hit level 70 unlocked two parts of what I think of as the “Transmog Set”. I’d already unlocked the entire set of Transmogs in Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3. Now that I earned two parts of that “set” in Season 6, I could use it on my Seasonal character if I felt like it.
Players will find Haedrig’s Gift in their in-game mail.
Take Haedrig’s Gift out of you in-game mail – and it goes directly into your bag. The flavor text says: Haedrig has been watching you, and in tribute to your actions, he has sent you a gift.
I was playing a Witch Doctor, so I received two pieces of the Zunimassa’s Haunt set.
The Zunimassa’s Finger Wraps has flavor text that says: All witch doctors know that the best way to hear the whispers of Zunimassa is to perform the rituals flawlessly, with fingers nimble and strong.
The flavor text on Zunamassa’s Vision says: The elder spirit Zunimassa communes with the wearer of this mask to reveal the ways in which the world emerges from the Unformed Land.
Rotten Meat: Kill the Butcher at Level 70 on Master difficulty or higher.
Penetrate & Defenestrate: Kill Urzael at Level 70 on Master difficulty or higher.
Season Journey (Chapter III) COMPLETE!
I completed Chapter III of the Season Journey in Season 6.
Penchant for Enchants: Replace a property on an item with Enchanting at the Mystic. Enchanting is very useful for replacing an unwanted primary affix on a near-perfect item.
Key Decisions: Slay Odeg the Keywarden at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. Odeg the Keywarden can be found in Act I in the Fields of Misery.
Key Wee: Slay Sokhar the Keywarden at Level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. Sokhar the Keywarden can be found in Act II in the Dahlgur Oasis.
Keeping It Low Key: Slay Xah’Rith the Keywarden at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. Xah’Rith the Keywarden can be found in Act III in Stonefort.
The Key to Success: Slay Nekarat the Keywarden at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. Nekarat the Keywarden can be found in Act IV in the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier.
Under the Stars: Kill Izual at level 70 on Torment II difficulty or higher.
Players that completed the Under the Stars objective got a second Haedrig’s Gift, with two more pieces of whatever set matched the class of the character that opened the Gift.
The flavor text on Zunimassa’s Trail says: Zunimassa spreads her wisdom further than any other witch doctor of the Teganze.
The flavor text on Zunimassa’s Pox says: Contains the power of the plague that took Zunimassa to the Unformed Land.
Up All Night To Get Lucky: Equip all Inventory slots with Legendary items that have a minimum required level of 70.
Promises: Kill Zoltun Kulle at level 70 on Torment IV difficulty or higher.
Great Expectations: Reach Greater Rift Level 20 Solo. Greater Rift Keystones drop from Rift Guardians in Nephalem Rifts.
Players that complete the Great Expectations objective unlocked the third, and final, Haedrig’s Gift. It contained the last two (or, in some cases, three) pieces of whatever set the player had been putting together in Season 6.
The flavor text on Zunimasa’s Cloth says: Zunimassa believed that power was born of movement and movement born of legs.
The flavor text on Zunimassa’s Marrow says: The warrior who dons this armor will always have the spirit of Zunimassa upon them.
The flavor text on Zunimassa’s String of Skulls says: When threatened, she drew upon the spirits to unleash the fury buried within.
This is what the full Zunimassa’s set looks like. Zunimassa’s String of Skulls is blocked by a pet called “That Which Shall Not Be Named” (which I got from a Menagerist Goblin).
The last objective I needed to complete in Chapter IV involved a Set Dungeon.
The Set Dungeon of Zunimassa’s Haunt is located in The Core of Arreat. Make sure to check all the little corners and edges when you are looking for it. I passed right by it twice without being close enough to the portal to make it appear.
This is what the area inside the Dungeon of Zunimassa’s Haunt looks like.
It took two tries before I managed to complete enough objectives in the Set Dungeon.
Set Me Free: Complete any Set Dungeon. While wearing the 6-piece bonus of a Class Set, visit the Tome of Set Dungeons in Leoric’s Manor for a clue that will lead you to the entrance to your Class Set’s Dungeon.
I completed Chapter IV of the Season Journey in Season 6.
Players who completed Chapter IV earned the Samhain Banner. The flavor text says: On the last day of harvest season, the wisest folk lock their doors, hang their wards, hide under their beds, and wait for dawn. I like the way it looks with the Witch Doctor Zunimassa’s Set.
Players who completed Chapter IV also earned the Blood Shard Portrait Frame.
I am happy to say that my third Witch Doctor of Season 6, McCoy, survived to the end of the Season. He’s currently sitting in New Tristram, trying to figure out why Kanai’s Cube and the Rift obelisk are missing. I’ll get to play him again someday.