Seekers Notes is a game where the player becomes the Seeker and must solve mysteries. The town of Darkwood has been cursed, and many items have gone missing. It is a “find the hidden object” game with a detailed, creepy, storyline.

The Halloween event is called Pumpkin Nostalgia. There are rewards for players who complete holiday quests. As you may expect, the holiday event only lasts for a certain amount of time. Players either successfully finish it… or they lose out on some of the rewards.

The quest chain that ends with the completion of the Mysterious Miller Collection is the fourth one in the Pumpkin Nostalgia event. It starts immediately after players finish the quest chain that ends with the Foggy Story Collection.

Anna Sherwood is a reporter who has does investigative journalism for the local newspaper.

Anna Sherwood: Do you need help with the investigation, Seeker? The more details we learn, the more interesting my new article will be. I didn’t know the miller in person, but my reporter’s instinct will tell me who to interview to uncover all the secrets.

Anna Sherwood: I’ve been poring over old articles and I’ve come across an interesting piece of information. A certain miller was awarded a Halloween crown for the best treats and the scariest ornaments.

Th player must go to the Mill and successfully locate several hidden objects. If the player is able to do that – there is a chance that they will have found the item that a quest is calling for.  This time, the player must find a Halloween crown.

I found the Halloween crown at the Mill.

Anna Sherwood: You found the Halloween crown, so this must be that miller’s mill. Now, it’s an established fact. As for the details of the miller’s life, we should ask the townspeople.

I have now completed the “A Fact from the Newspaper” quest. The next quest in this chain is called “Irreplaceable Friend”.

Anna Sherwood: I remember the old miller very well. He was a big fan of Halloween and always carried Mr. Merry with him, a toy with a pumpkin for a head.

I took this screenshot while Anna Sherwood was blinking. She looks like she has closed her eyes in order to better visualize Mr. Merry.

I found Mr. Merry at the Mill.

Anna Sherwood: This one, of course, is not the same toy. I made myself a copy hoping that those wonderful Halloween parties would one day be revived.

Unfortunately, I have caught Anna Sherwood mid-blink again with this screenshot. I’m a bit confused by this quest. I though she was sending the Seeker (the player character) out to find the original Mr. Merry. But, it turned out to be a copy that she made herself.

I have now finished the “Irreplaceable Friend” quest. The next quest in the chain is called “Masks and Memories”. It is not to be confused with other quests that also involve masks – but are unrelated to the Pumpkin Nostalgia quests.

Anna Sherwood: This mill holds many pleasant memories for me: dances at a Halloween masquerade, fun and games… The most beautiful of my masks was a pink flamingo mask.

This time, the player must find Anna Sherwood’s pink flamingo mask. As you can see in the screenshot above, the mask itself is blue and the flamingo on top of it is bright pink.

The player will not be able to find the mask until the Mill has the Time Shift anomaly happening. What if the Mill isn’t currently in that Mode? The player has to spend Festive Lollipops (the Holiday “key” for the Mill location) – play through it successfully – and hope the Time Shift appears after that.

Of course, this burns through the player’s Festive Lollipops. It becomes that much harder for the player to complete these quests before the Pumpkin Nostalgia event ends.

Victory! You have earned a new rank in location: Mill. Increase your rank to get more rewards! Your current rank: Sleuth.

One benefit of having to play through the Mill extra times is that it helps the player to level up the location. Players who are able to level up the Mill to the rank of Virtuoso before the Pumpkin Nostalgia event ends will receive two special Avatars (one male, and one female).

I eventually found the pink flamingo mask at the Mill.

Congratulations! You completed the stage challenge and get Carved Chest as a reward!

Players who level up the Mill to Sleuth have completed a stage challenge in the Pumpkin Nostalgia event. The reward for doing so is a Carved Chest.

Anna Sherwood: Thank you! To be frank, I was dazzling in this mask, but the miller would dress up in the same old pumpkin-head costume every year. Until he moved away.

I have now completed the “Masks and Memories” quest. The next quest in this chain is called “Mysterious Disappearance”.

Anna Sherwood: The miller’s move was marred by the disappearance of Mr. Merry. I remember how inconsolable the miller was – the toy was never found. The old man even threw a gold pumpkin, a gift from a local rich man, into a ditch.

I found the gold pumpkin at the Mill.

Anna Sherwood: I can’t believe my eyes! Its the gold pumpkin! Many searched for it after the miller’s departure, but the figurine mysteriously disappeared. Some even believed that Mr. Merry had taken it.

I have now completed the “Mysterious Disappearance” quest. The next quest in this chain is called “A Front-Page Portrait”.

Anna Sherwood: Excellent, the material we collected should be enough for a big article! I just need to add a photo of the mill, and it’s ready for the front page. It’s a pity that there are no existing portraits of the miller.

I found what Anna Sherwood referred to as a “Front-Page Portrait” at the Mill. It is of an old man with white hair who is very nicely dressed in a black suit and bow tie. He is posing with Mr. Merry, the toy with the pumpkin head. Mr. Merry is sitting on the miller’s lap.

Anna Sherwood: Many thanks! How did you manage to find the miller’s portrait! Moreover, he’s depicted with his signature toy. What luck!

Another unfortunately timed screenshot leaves Anna Sherwood looking rather sleepy. All of the NPCs (non-player characters) blink and some of them move a little bit. I take the screenshots and hope for the best.

I have now completed the “A Front-Page Portrait” quest. The last one in this quest chain is called “Collected Materials”.

Anna Sherwood: I can’t wait to take up my pen: Bright epithets and fresh comparisons are already running through my head! Please help me put the collected materials together in one box.

To complete the Mysterious Miller Collection, player must find at least one of each of the items that Anna Sherwood asked for. In addition, there are four different “extra” items that must be combined together. Players will need to obtain multiple copies of those items.

Put it all together – and it results in a shiny ribbon and the “collected materials” that Anna Sherwood had you gather (and help her put into one box.)

Congratulations! You’ve assembled this collection: Mysterious Miller.

Anna Sherwood: Without you, I couldn’t have done it so quickly. Thank you! And now I need to work: I must submit my article as soon as possible.

Who is Anna Sherwood submitting her work to? The town of Darkwood has been cut off from the rest of the world ever since the Curse started. It seems that at least one editor of the Darkwood newspaper is still around and working.

Congratulations! You completed the stage challenge and get Marble Chest as a reward!

There are some interesting rewards for players who complete all the Pumpkin Nostalgia quests. In addition, the player can earn some smaller rewards along the way. I’m fairly certain I earned the Marble Chest for completing the Mysterious Miller quest chain.

Seekers Notes: Mysterious Miller Collection is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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