Seekers Notes is a game where the player becomes the Seeker and is tasked with finding lost objects. It includes puzzles, locations where you need to find all the hidden objects, and a creepy storyline.
In order to complete a collection in a time-limited event, the player must placate three creatures that are part of the event. Each one can drop the items that the next-in-line wants.
These screenshots were taken in July of 2021.
This placating creatures chain of quests is interwoven with the Creative Environment series of quests. The player needs to successfully locate all necessary hidden objects in the Music Hall. If successful, the area might drop an item needed by the first of the three creatures that are part of the event.
Every event works the same way when it comes to placating creatures. Find all the objects in the special location of the event. Hope it drops the thing the first creature wants. The first creature wants one specific item. The second one wants two specific items that the first one drops. The third one wants three of the specific item dropped by the second one.
There is a leaderboard that counts how many times a player placates these creatures. I’m not sure why the game creators felt the need to add that. The purpose of placating creatures is that they (eventually) give the player the “extra” items they need to complete a collection.

Helen: Mac Boop-Boop-a-Doop has been holding his guitar in his wings for several hours without putting it down. Mac’s enthusiasm is laudable, but it’s difficult for other performers to rehearse because of his loud singing. Maybe he’ll take a break to eat a juicy snack.

To obtain a Juicy Snack, players must successfully complete the Music Hall location. It might drop one Juicy Snack – or none at all. Mac Boop-Boop-a-Doop requires one Juicy Snack at a time. He will require more than the two you give him at first, so keep feeding him!

Helen: I can imagine how much energy it takes to play and sing nonstop for several hours in a row. No wonder Mac couldn’t resist the juicy snack we offered him. The performers are grateful to us!

Congratulations! You’ve successfully placated the creature: Mac Boop-Boop-a-Doop.

Mac Boop-Boop-a-Doop: Beginning artists have a lot to learn from Mac Boop-Boop-a-Doop! This tireless musician often misses the strings of his guitar and sings choruses out of tune, but all the flaws of his playing are made up for by the passion and sincerity that Mac puts into it! Placating item: Juicy Snack.

Antoine: Miss Ostriss believes that her look alone deserves thunderous applause. If you ignore her once, you won’t be able to outrun this resentful ostrich! Let’s give her gorgeous roses.

Miss Ostriss: A concert fasionista who’s hungry for attention.
Miss Ostriss requires 2 Gorgeous Roses. The only way to get them is to placate Mac Boop-Boop-a-Doop two times. He will drop Gorgeous Roses each time you give him a Juicy Snack.

Congratulation! You’ve successfully placated the creature: Miss Ostriss.

Antoine: Phew, I think I’m safe now, thank you! Honestly, Miss Ostriss’s jewelry, hat and feathers may blend into all the flamboyant concert attire, so its best to always keep a bouquet at close hand.

Miss Ostriss: If you lost part of your concert costume shortly before a performance, there is a high probability that this item was borrowed by Miss Ostriss. This feathered lady loves to spend time in dressing rooms and try on new hats and jewelry. Placating item: Gorgeous Roses.

Colonel Hammerstrike: Wild Gracius is harmless, though he does resemble a lion. Performers consider his appearance at rehearsals a good omen. But if Gracius has fallen asleep on the stage, interfering with the performance, then a confetti popper will help.

Wild Gracius: An extravagant creature with feline traits.
Wild Gracius requires three confetti poppers. The only way to get them is to placate Miss Ostriss. To placate her, the player has to placate Mac Boop-Boop-a-Doop. To placate him, a player needs to successfully complete the Music Hall location.
Fortunately, players only have to do this one time through in order to complete this series of quests. But, that’s not the end! The entire process needs to be repeated enough times to give the player the extra items that are needed to finish a collection.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully placated the creature: Wild Gracius.

Colonel Hammerstrike: The confetti popper work Wild Gracius up, and he stretched and left in search of a more comfortable place to rest. Thank you for your help, Seeker. The performers can continue their rehearsal.

Congratulations! You completed the state challenge and get a Vibrant Mocktail as a reward.

I have now completed one part of the event that involves placating creatures.
Seekers Notes: Placating Performer’s Path Creatures is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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