Today, the pollen count was 8. My original plan for today was to go outside and buy some clothes. I hate shopping, and tend to hold off doing it until I’ve literally worn holes in items and need to replace them. Walking around the store, and trying on a bunch of clothing until something fits, takes more energy for me than it does for healthy people.
I am still anemic, and simply do not have the energy to carry out that plan.
So, I worked on some fun blogs (meaning: unpaid) and watched the Cubs game. I drove to get food while the game was on and my husband and I played maybe fifteen minutes of Pokémon Go. We watched the rest of the game. (The Cubs lost this one.)
As the sun was going down, I went outside to do about 30 minutes of yard work. It was cool outside, and starting to get dark – together this means less pollen (the flowers close up) and no bees (too cold). Less allergen exposure makes it safer for me to do. I don’t get a lot of it done in one try – but I’ll get there, eventually.
Spring Pollen Season – Day Seventy-Two is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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