This year, I decided to document my struggle through the fall pollen season in the form of haiku. If you’re going to complain about your health – you might as well do it in a creative way.
I also wanted to share how bad my allergies were due to the fall pollen season and give people a glimpse into what it is like to be me. This year’s fall pollen season started August 9, 2016, and it continued through September 30, 2016. That’s a total of 53 days of being sick, in a row, with no end in sight.
You may want to read the beginning of the Saga of the Rising Pollen Count before jumping into this blog. It will give you the “big picture” of what fall pollen season does to me.
Pollen eight point nine
Eyes itching so bad it hurts
Wheezing and Sneezing
September 1, 2016
This week’s forecast is:
Dangerously high pollen
Not sure I’ll survive
September 1, 2016
Pollen nine point two
This is where things get scary
Cannot go outside
September 2, 2016
I needed a nap
Popping gun-like sounds from outside
Sleep not happening
September 2, 2016
Pollen: nine point five
The misery continues
Morale not improved
September 3, 2016
Pollen: Nine point four
Nothing will get done today
Nope. Not a thing
September 4, 2016
Pollen: eight point eight
Not as bad as nine, I guess
It feels the same, though
September 5, 2016
Took some Benadryl
And yet, I am still sneezing
Why? Pollen count: nine
September 6, 2016
I am drinking wine
Allergy meds aren’t working
This is how I cope
September 6, 2016
Nine point one today
A month straight of high pollen
Slept so much today
September 7, 2016
Pollen: eight point nine
Gonna try and sleep through this
I need this to end
September 8, 2016
Pollen: eight point four
And it’s very windy out
Another rough day
September 9, 2016
Went outside today
Came home sick and exhausted
Pollen season sucks
September 9, 2016
Pollen: eight point four
My sleep schedule’s all screwed up
Losing track of days
September 10, 2016
Pollen: eight point two
Slightly better than before
But needs improvement
September 11, 2016
Pollen: eight point two
Fighting sinusitis now
And bronchitis, too
September 12, 2016
Seven point six now
Pollen higher than seven
Makes me very sick
September 13, 2016
Starting to get chills
And then the furnace turned on
That worked out quite well
September 14, 2016
Pollen: six point eight
Is pollen season ending?
I really hope so
September 14, 2016
Seven point one day
It’s not my lucky number
Too much pollen still
September 15, 2016
Cleaned mold this morning
And am paying for it now
Really sick today
September 15, 2016
It was going down
Now going back up again
Damn pollen season
September 16, 2016
Seven point five day
Planned to go see an art show
Not sure I’ll make it
September 17, 2016
In case you were wondering, no, I did not make it to the art show.
Seven point five day
Forty-one days in a row
Of too high pollen
September 18, 2016
Seven point eight day
Too much pollen forever
Getting worse again
September 19, 2016
Woke up with eye pain
And swollen “allergy face”
Because of pollen
September 19, 2016
Seven point five day
And I have flu-like symptoms
From too much pollen
September 20, 2016
Seven point six day
My sinuses are on fire
Not getting better
September 21, 2016
Super windy out
Dust and pollen blown around
Allergen filled air
September 21, 2016
Seven point three day
It’s been forty-five days now
Of too much pollen
September 22, 2016
Pollen: six point four
Fall pollen season ending?
I really need that
September 23, 2016
Pollen: six point six
Nature’s trying to kill me
Increasing pollen
September 24, 2016
Seven point three day
100 degrees outside
I am suffering
September 25, 2016
Seven point there day
100 degrees outside
Horrible combo
September 26, 2016
Seven point one day
Had acupuncture today
Helped fight the pollen!
September 27, 2016
Seven day again
Pollen season needs to end
But it refuses
September 28, 2016
Six point nine day
I slept for fourteen hours
And still woke up sick
September 29, 2016
Pollen six point two
Hoping pollen season’s done
Recovery starts
September 30, 2016