Image of New Hampshire from Wikimedia Commons

The New Hampshire 2020 primary was held on February 11. The day before the primary was filled with events hosted by several candidates. Three tiny New Hampshire towns voted at midnight.


Bernie Sanders held a GOTV (get out the vote) Concert Rally in Durham, New Hampshire. The event featured a performance by The Strokes, and an appearance by U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat – New York). Artist Kii Arens made a gorgeous poster for the event, which you can purchase at his store.

Vermin Supreme, who is seeking the Libertarian Party presidential nominee, attended the Bernie Sanders event. You might recognize him as the guy who wears a boot on his head and carries a megaphone at political events.

Gary Grumbrach, a 2020 campaign embed for NBC News, posted a tweet with a view of the crowd at the Bernie Sanders event. Gary Grumbach tweeted: “Sen. @BernieSanders rallied more than 7,000 tonight at Whittemore Center in Durham, NH. A thread-“

Averi Harper, an ABC 2020 campaign reporter, posted a tweet that said: “I’m told that 7,532 people are gathered here to see @BernieSanders. Making this the largest event in N.H. hosted by a Democratic party candidate this cycle.” The tweet included a photo of the crowd.

Amy Klobuchar held an event at Keene State College, in Keene, New Hampshire on February 10, 2020. Reuters reported that a crowd of more than 200 people attended.

David Corn, D.C. bureau chief of Mother Jones tweeted: “The crowd is really digging @amyklobuchar. Several voters tell me they are jazzed by her festiveness and pragmatism. Hard to make macro judgement from micro observations. But it’s not hard to envision a better-than-expected finish in NH.”

Also on February 10, 2020, Amy Klobuchar held an event in Penuche’s in downtown Manchester, New Hampshire. Boston Herald reported that the event filled “the first floor of the music hall to its 165-person capacity and leaving a line outside the door.”

Amy Klobuchar posted a tweet: “One final stop at Penuche’s in Manchester and it’s clear: something is happening in New Hampshire. Let’s do this.” The tweet included a photo of Amy Klobuchar on stage, with a crowd of people filling the room.

Andrew Yang has held 97 events in New Hampshire since late June 2019, NPR reported. Their data came from New Hampshire Public Radio’s candidate tracker .

NPR reported the event tally for the other six candidates who were on stage for the most recent Democratic debate:

  • Pete Buttigieg – 69
  • Amy Klobuchar – 67
  • Bernie Sanders – 61
  • Elizabeth Warren – 37
  • Joe Biden – 35
  • Tom Steyer – 31

Scott Santens, who writes about Unconditional Basic Income (UBI), tweeted: “Today @AndrewYang is doing campaign stops in Rochester, Concord, Portsmouth, Manchester, Derry, and Keene. That’s 6 stops in one day, but CNN didn’t even include him on the map. The MSM doesn’t want you to even consider Yang as an option.” The tweet included a screenshot of CNN, which shows a map of New Hampshire, and photos of Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar.

Hanna Trudo Politics reporter at The Daily Beast tweeted: “Hello from Portsmouth! I’m here at @AndrewYang’s town hall, where he has the crowd laughing about how we’ll know the results of New Hampshire’s primary – tomorrow – #nhpolitics”. The tweet includes a photo of Andrew Yang on stage.

The joke is a reference to the Iowa Caucuses, where a malfunctioning app was used to report the results from each precinct. The results of the Iowa Caucuses were definitely not reported on the day the caucuses were held.

Andrew Yang posted tweets of his event in Rochester, Concord, Portsmouth (16), Manchester , Derry , and Keene. Each tweet includes photos of the events, which appear to all have been small “Town Hall” type events.

Elizabeth Warren tweeted on February 10, 2020: “The best Campaign Co-Chairs I could ask for. Thanks for joining me in Concord this weekend, @AyannaPressley, @Deb4CongressNM, and @KatiePorterOC!” The tweet included a photo of the four of them standing together on a stage at a Concord, New Hampshire, event.

Ayanna Pressley is Represents New York’s 7th district. Deb Haaland represents New Mexico’s 1st district. Katie Porter represents California’s 45th district. All are Democrats.

Joy Lim Narkin posted a tweet: “Elizabeth Warren stays on message, undeterred by slide in polls ahead of New Hampshire primary @NBC10Boston @NECN @ewarren #NewHampshirePrimary #campaign2020”. The tweet included a short video of Elizabeth Warren on stage at an event in Porthsmouth. Joy Lim Narkin reported that “dozens of voters” were there.

Pete Buttigeig held a “get-out-the-vote” rally in Nashua, New Hampshire, on February 9, 2020. CSPAN has a video of the event.

Stephen Brocaw, National Political Director for Pete Buttigeig tweeted: “i am seeing the real thing in Nashua right now and i want to tell you about it. @petebuttigieg is best-equipped to build the coalition that wins and ushers in the new era that must come next. #TeamPete (second pic is the overflow room)” The tweet included two photos of the crowd at the Nashua event.

Joe Biden held an event in Manchester, New Hampshire, on February 10, 2020. Jennifer Epstein, reporter at Bloomberg News, posted a tweet from the event: “Sean Hannity is at the Biden event in Manchester, about 1.5 miles from where the Trump rally starts shortly.” The tweet included a photo of Sean Hannity, surrounded by reporters, in a room filled with people and decorated with large signs that say “Biden”.

Hunter Woodall, political reporter for the Associated Press, posted at tweet: “A sign it’s New Hampshire primary eve: Sean Hannity is gaggling before a Joe Biden event”. The tweet includes a photo of Sean Hannity, surrounded by reporters, in a room filled with people and decorated with large signs that say “Biden”. This photo is from a different angle than the one Jennifer Epstein posted.

The New Yorker posted an article titled: “Joe Biden Struggles in New Hampshire”. It was written by Rob Fischer, and posted on February 11, 2020. From the article:

…On Sunday, Biden held a get-out-the-vote rally in a wood-panelled ballroom at Ashworth by the Sea, a weathered beachside hotel in Hampton. Biden wore a navy blazer with shiny brass buttons over a seersucker shirt and blue slacks. It’s been clear since the start of the campaign that he is somewhat uncertain in front of a crowd. What’s surprising is that he hasn’t gotten any better. For long stretches, he addresses the surrogates assembled behind him – in Hampton, there were a half dozen “Fire Fighters for Biden” – rather than the audience. He often delivers concluding thoughts in a manner that sounds like he’s transitioning to a new idea. When the crowd registers an emotional response, he sometimes objects: “No, I’m serious!” When he gets a laugh, he yells, “I’m not joking!”…

…A number of Biden supporters predicted that he would not perform well in the primary on Tuesday. At a Biden event on Saturday, Wilbur Glahn, a prominent Manchester-based litigator, told me that Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, as senators from neighboring states, have “a huge leg up.” Ned Helms, another former state Party chair, reminded me that the New Hampshire results would not reflect Biden’s ability to attract voters of color. “We’ve got to go out to Nevada, where we finally have a large Latino population,” Helms said. “And then go down to South Carolina, with an African-American population.”…

Donald Trump held a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire. on February 10, 2020. Will Steakin, ABC News 2020 campaign reporter, posted a tweet: “Supporters already in line, some waited over night, for Trump’s Manchester rally tonight. It’s absolutely gross outside, 30 degrees and raining -” The tweet included a video of a long line of miserable looking Trump supporters. Most are wearing plastic rain gear. Many are underneath large umbrellas. Several brought chairs to sit in.

Katy Tur, MSNBC anchor, NBC News correspondent, posted a tweet that simply said: “Trump rally in Manchester”. It included a photo of the crowd inside the event. Many are wearing red hats.

Midnight Voting

Three towns in New Hampshire vote at midnight. Those towns are: Dixville Notch, Hart’s Location, and Millsfield.

USA Today reported the results from Dixville Notch:

…Dixville Notch’s five residents cast their ballots just after the stroke of midnight Tuesday in the first 2020 Democratic presidential primary vote in the nation.

Bloomberg recieved three write-in votes, one from a Republican and two from Democrats. The remaining votes went to Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders…

Dixville Vote tweeted: “And there you have it – @MikeBloomberg has won the #DixvilleNotch midnight primary vote with three write-in votes, one Republican, and two Democrat. #NHPolitics #NHPrimary #FITN #DixvilleVotes #midnightvoting @BalsamsResort”

The photo shows a large, white, poster board that is on an easel. It says: “First in the Nation” Primary 2020 Election Dixville Notch, N.H.” Below it, the candidates are listed in a row – red for the Republican candidates and blue for the Democratic candidates.

The Republican side results: Trump 0, Weld 0, Bloomberg (write in) 1.

The Democratic side results: Biden 0, Buttigeig 1, Sanders 1, Warren 0, Bennet 0, Bloomberg (write in) 2.

New Hampshire Union Leader reported the results at Hart’s Location.

…Klobuchar was the top Democratic vote-getter in Hart’s Location with six votes, followed by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, four; entrepreneur Andrew Yang, three; and Sanders, two. Hedge-fund manager Tom Steyer, Biden, and Hawaii U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, each got one vote…

…Mark Dindorf, who chairs the Harts’ Location Board of Selectmen and who has been an elections official for more than 20 years, said 2020 was “the first time I recall having a couple of satellite trucks here,” referring to the vehicles that bookended the Town Hall, providing a live connection to various broadcast media…

…In Hart’s Location, that process took just four minutes, with Dindorf later explaining that the law actually says 100 percent of the registered voters must be “accounted for,” not that they actually must vote.

Dindorf said 18 of the town’s 45 registered voters came out to vote in person; 21 cast absentee ballots; and that six filed affidavits saying they didn’t want to vote…

CSPAN posted a tweet with the results from Hart’s Location. It has more details than the New Hampshire Union Leader article did. The results were:


  • 6 – Klobuchar
  • 4 – Warren
  • 3 – Yang
  • 2 – Sanders
  • 1 – Biden
  • 1 – Gabbard
  • 1 – Steyer


  • 15 – Trump
  • 4 – Weld
  • 1 – Mary Maxwell

Casey McDermott, from @nhpr, tweeted: Reporting live from Millsfield, here are the results” The tweet included a photo of three easels, each holding a large poster board. The Democratic candidates took up one full poster board, and one half of a second poster board. The Republican candidates took up most of one poster board.

The Democratic results were:

  • Amy Klobuchar – 2
  • Pete Buttigeig – 1
  • Joseph Biden – 1
  • Bernie Sanders – 1

The Republican results were:

  • Donald Trump – 16
  • Bill Weld – 1

Unexpected Things

CNBC reported that Joe Biden left New Hampshire (34) early, and headed to South Carolina. From CNBC:

…Candidates typically hold election night events in states that just cast votes. All of Biden’s rivals for the presidential nomination plan to gather with supporters in New Hampshire on Tuesday night.

But as polls show Biden struggling to even crack the third place spot in the Granite State, he heads off to South Carolina, where he has led just about every survey ahead of its Feb. 29 primary…

Joe Biden tweeted: “Thank you to all our incredible supporters, volunteers, and staff in New Hampshire! Your hard work and faith in our campaign mean the world to me. Now, we’re headed to Nevada, South Carolina, and beyond.”

Thomas Kaplan, National political reporter for The New York Times tweeted: “Biden is now addressing his party via live stream.” The tweet includes a photo of a large television screen with Joe Biden and his wife Dr. Jill Biden standing in front of an large American flag.

NBC News reported that Andrew Yang was dropping out of the presidential race. He launched his bid for the presidency in late 2017. From NBC News:

…Initially seen as a long-shot candidate, Yang used a savvy social media strategy to garner legions of devoted followers who referred to themselves as the “Yang Gang”.

Addressing supporters in New Hampshire on Tuesday night, Yang said: “While there is great work left to be done, you know I am the math guy, and it is clear tonight from the numbers that we are not going to win this race. I am not someone who wants to accept donations and support in a race that we will not win. And so tonight I am announcing I am suspending my campaign for president….

Andrew Yang posted (and pinned) a tweet of a photo of himself wearing his American flag scarf – and not wearing a tie – holding a microphone. The text next to the photo said: “I stand before you today and say that while we did not win this election, we are just getting started. This is the beginning.” It also included his signature.

ABC News reported that Michael Bennet ended his presidential campaign. From ABC News:

Sen. Michael Bennet is ending his bid for the White House.

“I though it was quiet possible today that we would fall short and I didn’t know that I would give that speech until about 15 minutes ago,” Bennet said Tuesday night…

…Separately, he said that despite ending his run, he was ready to support the Democratic nominee.

“I am going to do absolutely everything I can do as one human being to make sure Donald Trump is a one-term president,” he said. “I support the nominee of my party no matter who it is to make sure that we defeat Donald Trump”…

Michael Bennet tweeted (and pinned): “I love our country. I love the idea of democracy. And I want to pass it on to the next generation. I feel nothing buy joy tonight as we conclude this campaign and this chapter. Tonight wasn’t our night. But New Hampshire, you may see me again.”

New Hampshire Results

The New Hampshire polls officially closed at 8 pm, Eastern Time.

The Guardian posted the results of the New Hampshire Democratic primary with 86.38% of precincts reporting.

  • Bernie Sanders: 70,081 votes – 25.74%
  • Pete Buttigieg: 67,487 votes – 24.44%
  • Amy Klobuchar: 54,500 votes – 19.74%
  • Elizabeth Warren: 25,733 votes – 9.32%
  • Joe Biden: 23,241 votes – 8.42%
  • Tom Steyer: 9,946 votes – 3.60%
  • Tulsi Gabbard: 8,923 votes – 3.23%
  • Andrew Yang: 7,803 votes – 2.83%
  • Total Write Ins: 4,004 votes – 1.45%
  • Deval Patrick: 1,176 votes – 0.43%
  • Michael Bennet: – 895 votes – 0.32%

CBS News tweeted: “JUST IN: CBS News projects Bernie Sanders wins the New Hampshire Primary”. The tweet included a screenshot from their New Hampshire reporting. It shows a photo of Bernie Sanders, and says WINNER next to his name.

Bernie Sanders tweeted: “We just won the New Hampshire primary. What we have done together here is nothing short of the beginnning of a political revolution. Join us live at our primary night rally in Manchester!” The tweet includes a link to a Periscope from the rally.

The Associated Press tweeted: “BREAKING: Bernie Sanders wins the New Hampshire Democratic primary, narrowly edging Pete Buttigieg. #NHPrimary2020 #Election2020”. The tweet included a link to the AP’s Election 2020 news.

UPDATE: The Guardian posted the results of the New Hampshire Democratic Primary after 100% of precincts had reported:

  • Bernie Sanders: 76,324 votes – 25.73%
  • Pete Buttigieg: 72,457 votes – 24.43%
  • Amy Klobuchar: 58,796 votes – 19.82%
  • Elizabeth Warren: 27,344 votes – 9.22%
  • Joe Biden: 24,921 votes – 8.40%
  • Tom Steyer: 10,721 votes – 3.61%
  • Tulsi Gabbard: 9,655 votes – 3.25%
  • Andrew Yang: 8,315 votes – 2.80%
  • Total Write Ins: 4,449 votes – 1.50%
  • Deval Patrick: 1,266 votes – 0.43%
  • Michael Bennet: 963 votes – 0.32%

February 11, 2020: Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted: “We just won the New Hampshire primary. What we have done together is nothing short of the beginning of a political revolution. Join us live at our primary night rally in Manchester!” The tweet included a link to a Periscope live stream.

The Guardian also posted the results of the New Hampshire Republican primary with 85.38% of precincts reporting.

  • Donald Trump: 118,774 votes – 85.49%
  • Bill Weld: 12,803 votes – 9.21%
  • Total Write Ins: 3,768 votes – 2.71%
  • Mary Maxwell: 843 votes – 0.61%

UPDATE: The Guardian posted the results of the New Hampshire Republican Primary after 100% of precincts reporting:

  • Donald Trump: 129,696 votes – 85.55%
  • Bill Weld: 13,787 votes – 9.09%
  • Total Write Ins: 4,207 votes – 2.77%
  • Mary Maxwell: 926 votes – 0.61%

Ballotpedia reported the number of pledged delegates each candidate earned in New Hampshire.

Democratic Candidates:

  • Bernie Sanders: 9
  • Pete Buttigeig: 9
  • Amy Klobuchar: 6
  • Everyone else: 0

Republican Candidates:

  • Donald Trump: 22
  • Bill Weld: 0
  • Mary Maxwell: 0

What Happened in the 2020 New Hampshire Primary is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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