There are times when the differences between WoW Classic and Retail WoW are glaringly obvious. In Retail WoW, it is fairly easy to obtain bags that are big enough to almost everything you need. Not so in WoW Classic!
The quests that Vaca (my Tauren Warrior) and Neverlast (my friend’s Tauren Druid) we working on required more bag space than we had.

There is a Fishing Trainer named Uthan Stillwater at Stonebull Lake. It makes sense for a Fishing Trainer to be located near a lake. My friend and I both decided to take up Fishing because it would mean we could sell the fish and make some money.
Doing so gave Vaca just enough experience to hit Level 7! I think Neverlast was already Level 7.
In retail World of Warcraft, players don’t need to actually equip a fishing pole in order to go fishing. In WoW Classic, that’s not the case! Players cannot fish without equipping a fishing pole. That’s one more item you need to carry around in your (limited) bag space.
Where can a player obtain a fishing pole? Not from Uthan Stillwater the Fishing Trainer. As you can see, there is no … fishing supply vendor, for lack of a better term, standing anywhere near the Fishing Trainer. Instead, players have to go back to the nearest town (which is not far away), and go find the NPC (non-player character) who sells fishing poles.
If I remember correctly, my friend and I were both laughing about that.

We completed a quest called Mazaranache from Maur Raincaller in Bloodhoof village. This screenshot above is from when when we had finally finished it and were able to turn it in.
The quest itself wasn’t difficult to do. It took more time than one might imagine. For whatever reason, many of the creatures that live on Azeroth that are missing vital body parts.
We joked about the reason this might be happening. Maybe Vaca hit a Flatland Cougar with her weapon, and crushed the Femur that she and Neverlast were supposed to collect.
We couldn’t find a reasonable explanation for why a Swoop didn’t have a Gizzard, or a Prairie Wolf was walking around without having a heart inside it. I think we concluded that these creatures couldn’t possibly be long for this world, so maybe killing them was an act of kindness?
Getting back to the point I was intending to make before getting sidetracked, this quest requires players to collect and carry four different quest items in their bags. Our bags had a maximum of six slots each. The Mazzaranache quest items, a fishing pole, and a skinning knife fill up an entire bag.

Next, we worked on the Sharing the Land quest. To do this, players need to go to a certain area in Mulgore, and kill 10 Palemane Tanners, 8 Palemane Skinners, and 5 Palemane Poachers.
This quest didn’t require players to fill their bags with quest items. All you had to do was kill off the right number of the right kind of enemies – and you’re done. They were dropping copper, and occasionally some useful items. So, my bags quickly filled up again.
That said, this was fun. The biggest reason why I wanted to play a Warrior was to slaughter everything in my path. These little guys respawned at what felt like a really quick rate. There were plenty for us, and the random group of players who were also working on this quest, to kill.

Unfortunately, when those other players moved on, the quick respawn rate remained just as quick. We did the “corpse run” back to our bodies, as you do. All we needed was a couple more of one type of Palemane, and we we would be done.

We were able to turn in the Poison Water quest and get some more quest items out of our bags. This one has players collecting 6 Prairie Wolf Paws and 4 Plainstrider Talons. It was nice to get those out of our bags.

In return, we received a cleansing totem to take to the well. We got two quest items out of our bag, giving us two empty slots. The cleansing totem immediately takes up one slot.
None of this is meant as a complaint. I remember “Vanilla” having the same issues with bag space. There are two potential solutions. Go back to town and sell stuff as soon as your bags are full. Or, drop some junk along the way in favor of holding on to items that are useful (or that you can sell).
This is just something to get used to in Classic WoW. I can see where some people, who either never played “Vanilla”, or who strongly prefer how the current “retail” game functions, will find this situation very frustrating.

If you take the time to stop and look around, you can find a lot of beauty in WoW Classic. I think this is something people forget about as they push to finish as many quests as possible.
I find it peaceful to take my WoW character into beautiful places that I could not travel to “in real life” due to all my allergies and chronic illnesses. There is also something to be said about enjoying a nice view after dealing with the tedium of trying to balance limited bag space.
WoW Classic: Bag Space is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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