There are many holidays in Flight Rising where players can purchase special Familiars by gathering up enough in-game currency.
The Holiday Bears Familiar Set was released in June of 2014, through May of 2015. Each one corresponds to a specific Elemental Flight. If you don’t have them, your best chance of collecting them is through the Auction House.
All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

Sunbeam Ursa: Familiar – Guardian of the Sunbeam Ruins. (Brightshine Jubilee 2014).

Magma Embear: Familiar – Guardian of the Ashfall Waste. (Flameforger’s Festival 2014).

Hibernal Starbear: Familiar – Guardian of the Starfall Isles. (Starfall Celebration 2014).

Graveyard Guardian: Familiar – Guardian of the Scarred Wasteland. (Riot of Rot 2014).

Craigbacked Bouldursa: Familiar – Guardian of Dragonhome. (Rockbreaker’s Ceremony 2014).

Polarfreeze Defender: Familiar – Guardian of the Southern Icefield. (Crystalline Gala 2015).

Murktooth Bramblekeep: Familiar – Guardian of the Tangled Wood. (Trickmurk Circus 2015).

Cloudkeeper Herald: Familiar – Guardian of the Windswept Plateau. (Mistral Jamboree 2015).

Wavebreak Snarler: Familiar – Guardian of the Sea of a Thousand Currents. (Wave Crest Saturnalia 2015).

Timber Tender: Familiar – Guardian of the Viridian Labyrinth. (Greenskeeper Gathering 2015).
Flight Rising: Holiday Bears is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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