Jack’s Creepy Conjuring started on September 28, 2020, and ended on October 9, 2020. It is run by a Pumpkin-headed visitor who wants to attract “loyal subjects”. As always, the first part of the event requires the player to plant special flower seeds, grow flowers, and exchange them for prizes.

Jack: Hee hee hee! Want to see a magic trick, Ownka?
Jack: Ready or not, here it comes… I am conjuring Halloween to this campsite early!
Jack: Of course, if we are to make this place truly magical… We have some preparations to make.
Jack: Thus, I search for loyal subjects to assist me in this endeavor. You are the manager here, yes?

Jack: Perfect! Then you shall lend your aid to me, your macabre monarch, starting immediately!
Jack: Make haste, my dear subject. There is much to be done!
Jack: Another loyal subject acquired! Hee hee hee!
Jack: Very well. Allow me to send you forth with your marching orders.

Jack: It is my intention to bring this place… an epically enchanted Halloween extravaganza!
Jack: In order to do this properly, I need some rare bats. Specifically, I require bats in magic hats!
Jack: With those merry tricksters floating about the place, we are certain to conjure a mystical atmosphere.
Jack: Magic hatbats like presto pumpkins. That’s because they are terrifically adorable. Like me!

Jack: So, go on and plant these presto pumpkin seeds in your garden. That will draw the hatbats there.
Jack: Of course, this is all moot if you don’t know how to catch hatbats. Do you need some instructions?
Jack: Excellent! I am delighted to have such a devoted subject as yourself.
Jack: Here are the presto pumpkin seeds. Go forth and gather as many magic hatbats as you can before the party.

Jack gave my Pocket Camp character 5 bags of o-presto pumpkin seeds+ and 5 bags of o-presto pumpkin seeds.

Jack: Let the creepy conjuring commence!

Now seemed like a good time to pick out a Halloween costume. My Pocket Camp character is wearing a King Tut costume. They are standing inside their garden, with orange pumpkins and some hatbats.

Here is what the hatbats look like. They come in two varieties: purple bats with dark orange wings, and light orange bats with light orange wings. All of them are wearing tiny witch’s hats.

Task complete!
Rewards for completing tasks:

pink enchanted star

The batty swirl lollipop item is something players had to collect to complete certain tasks. As the event went on, the player had the ability to earn more of these items.

mystical star chair

seafood enchanted star

My Pocket Camp character is wearing a King Tut costume and is about to collect the hatbats from the pumpkins.

Players could earn a bat beret while completing quests during Jack’s Confection Collection.

My Pocket Camp character is wearing the bat beret, a shirt with a skull on it, and other dark grey or black clothing.

My Pocket Camp character is still wearing the bat beret, and has changed into a “steampunk” looking dress. There are purple pumpkins and orange pumpkins in their garden. The pumpkins have attracted hatbats.
Rewards for completing more tasks:

magic starry cauldron

Players could earn the flapping bats by completing parts of the Jack’s Confection Collection tasks. The bats could be placed in the player’s campsite. They are small, and fly around together – but only in the spot they were put in.

purple spellcaster set

orange spellcaster set

spellbinding table set

orange mystic pumpkins

If you put the orange mystic pumpkins in your campsite, one of your animal friends will sit on the top one. The animal friend can wave wands and cause the rest of the pumpkins to levitate.
There was also an item called Purple Mystic Pumpkins that functioned the same as the orange ones, but I wasn’t able to obtain it. There’s always a chance that Animal Crossing Pocket Camp will make it available again.

All tasks complete!
Classes related to Jack’s Creepy Conjuring event:

Magical Halloween is the first of three classes that connect to the Jack’s Creepy Conjuring event. The first class only requires three items, two of which can be obtained by finishing tasks.

Cyrus can craft the barrel planter for the player.

I now had everything I needed to complete this Magical Halloween class.

Lottie and Jack are ready for my Pocket Camp character, who is wearing a King Tut costume, to start the class.

The highlighted items are the ones that the player must correctly place into the Magical Halloween scene.

The Magical Halloween 2 class required its own set of recommended items. These included the purple spellcaster set, magic starry cauldron, pink enchanted star, and perfume bottles. At the time, there was no way for me to craft the perfume bottles. As such, I had to allow the game to suggest an item to go in its place.

My Pocket Camp character is thinking about how to pass this class without having all the required items.

The highlighted items are the ones the player must correctly place. The game will suggest an item to replace one that the player doesn’t have. In this case, it appears to have selected a decorative plate.

Lottie points out that the magic starry cauldron was the key item. I ended up with two medals instead of three because I didn’t have the perfume bottles item yet.

Magical Halloween 3 is the last class connected to Jack’s Creepy Conjuring event. My Pocket Camp character is thinking about where to put the many recommended items that this class requires.

The third class required several of the items that could be obtained by completing quests. I had everything that was required. There are four gravestones at the back of this scene – which were not part of the event.

Overall, I did pretty well with the Magical Halloween classes. I earned three medals in the Magical Halloween class, two medals in Magical Halloween 2, and three medals in Magical Halloween 3.

Jack: Well, dear subject, it is time for your monarch to bid your a very fond farewell.
Jack: I’ve got places to brighten, moods to lighten… and lots of folks to frighten! Hee hee hee!
Jack: What’s this? You still have some magic hatbats and presto pumpkins left over?!
Jack: Very well – I shall happily relieve you of them!

Jack: You’ll be well compensated, of course. Be sure to check your mailbox in a little while.

Jack: Have a happy Halloween!
This brings us to the end of Jack’s Creepy Conjuring event. In Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Each event has three parts, so this isn’t the last time we will see Jack.
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp: Jack’s Creepy Conjuring is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.