Today was Day 21 of the 2017 Fall pollen season.  That means I’ve been sick for three weeks straight due to the excessive amount of pollen in the air.  There is no way to know when a pollen season will end.  Today, I had to go outside because I had a dentist appointment.  The pollen count today was 8.9, which isn’t good for me.

The last time I was at a dentist was years ago.  I lost my dental insurance shortly after that, which meant I could no longer afford to see a dentist anymore.

Recently, I was able to afford dental insurance because it was offered to me through Covered California (which is the name of California’s Affordable Care Act marketplace.).

The dental cards arrived not too long after I signed up and started paying the premiums.  There is only one dentist near me that takes this particular form of dental insurance, and I was lucky enough to get an appointment.

Today, I spent a couple of hours being seen by a dentist and having my teeth cleaned by a dental technician who has auto-immune diseases. Hers are different from mine, but we understood each other.  She also has some allergies. We got along great.

There are no major problems with my teeth other than an issue with a cap that I had put on years ago (after a root canal).  The dentist wants to remove the cap because there was a lot of decay around the edge of it.  His recommended course of action is to remove the cap, fill in the remaining pieces of tooth with an amalgam, and put a new cap on.  I figured something like this would happen.

It is my understanding that my dental insurance covers a little bit of the cost, but I’m going to have to pay out-of-pocket for the rest.  I will be setting up a GoFundMe for help.

At the Dentist is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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