Marvin, Pepper, and Pinky are enjoying their brand new cage! It might look kind of cramped from the outside, but that’s an illusion. This new cage has plenty of space for the birds to spread out.
These photos were taken in December of 2020.

You can tell that all three birds are really happy and excited about the new cage because their eyes are “smiling” and their head crests are up.

Pepper is sitting comfortably on the top perch. Pinky decided to sit on the toy (instead of play with it). Marvin is off to the side, looking rather nervous. He tends to take a little while to adjust to new things.

Pinky has moved to one of the dishes that are on the top of the cage. Both of those dishes were empty, which is probably a good thing. Pinky likes to sit inside them. He looks really happy to be on the dish.

Eventually, Marvin was placed on top of the big perch that is the highest point on top of the cage. He sits next to his best buddy, Pepper. Both of their crests are up, which means Marvin feels better sitting next to a friend. Pinky has moved to the ladder – but has decided not to climb it.

Pinky has fluffed up his feathers – indicating that he will, in fact, attempt to nap on the edge of this bowl.

All of the excitement over having a brand new cage to explore made the cockatiels sleepy.

Pepper is becoming a “borb” – his feathers are so fluffy that he becomes a rounded shape. Pinky is delicately perched on the edge of the dish and taking a nap.

Marvin is still not so sure about this new cage. His crest is up, indicating he’s not as nervous as he was before. He is also turning into a “borb” and on the way to having a nice nap.
Photos by Shawn Thorpe
Brand New Cage! is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites. If you enjoyed this blog post please consider supporting me Ko-fi. Thank you!