Phyllodophia is the fifteenth town in the Kitchen Scramble game. The recipes in this town appear to be based on Greek cuisine. The town has a goddess who seems to be the one who is in charge.
It’s been a while since I’ve done a Kitchen Scramble blog post. The main reason for the delay was that I got a new iPad Mini. It did not keep my progress in Kitchen Scramble, so I had to work my way through the game until I got to Phyllodophia. The good news is that the game updated and runs a lot smoother than it did before.

Pepper: Would you look at all this produce? It’s so fresh! I feel like a kid in a candy store at a market like this!

Goddess of Love: Yes, our island is known for high quality produce. Do you not just love it? I certainly do, but then again, I am the Goddess of Love.

Pepper: Wow, a goddess?! Well, I’m Pepper, and I love food so much that I have my own food truck! Stop by and I’ll cook something for you!
The new recipes for Level 340 are:

Steamed Rice

Greek Salad


This screen was added sometime between when I had to stop playing the game and when I started up again. It shows that I got three stars in Level 340. A player can earn one, two, or three stars. In my experience, I am usually able to fill up the first star, and sometimes the second. The third one is harder to fill.

I got three stars on Level 340!

Goddess of Love: That was delightful! You are quite the cook.You know, I am in the midst of planning a wedding and I’m still looking for a caterer…

Pepper: I’d love to cater a wedding! That is, if you’re offering!

Goddess of Love: Fantastic. But I am considering one other caterer. After I try their food too, I’ll make a decision.
The new recipes for Level 341 are:




I earned three stars on level 341!

I got three stars on Level 341!
The new recipe for Level 342 is:

Shwarma Plate

I got three stars on Level 342!
The new recipe for Level 343 is:

Veggie Gyro

Mother & Baby: I’m really looking forward to attending this wedding. The planner organized a daycare for the children! She’s so thoughtful.
The Kitchen Scramble Wiki says that this character is named “Mother & Baby”. The two of them have merged into one being, it seems. Kitchen Scramble names most of its characters based on what they do. For example, there are characters named Fashionista, Race Car Driver, and Fisherman.
There is also one named Grandma and another named Grandpa (who are spouses). It sounds like the game considers “Grandma” and “Grandpa” to be professions. As such, “Mother & Baby” are also …. a profession? Somehow? To me, this feels really icky and I think they should have given the mom and her baby names.
That said, I really like the idea that the Goddess of Love, who is intending to hold a wedding, cares enough about the attendees to realize that at least one of them would have difficulty attending if there wasn’t an option for daycare. That’s pretty cool!

Pepper: Well that’s good to hear… I do hope she decides soon about who will cater the wedding!

I got three stars on Level 343!

No new recipes were added in Level 344.

I got three stars in Level 344!
Goddess of Love: My heavens, the closer a wedding gets, the more there is to do! So many decisions to make, and so little time!

Goddess of Love: Your dishes are divine! But I loved Caper’s Cuisine too. How will I ever make up my mind?

Pepper: Oh no! Of all the foods on all of the islands… I know about the food at Caper’s Cuisine, if you can even call it that.
Caper’s Cuisine is the name of the food truck run by Pepper’s rival, Candace. The game makes it clear that Pepper uses fresh foods, and Candace puts “chemicals” into her foods. I think the concept the story writers were going for was to encourage people to eat healthy foods.
In Mozzarama, Candace got caught injecting “a strange green liquid” into some old tomatoes, and she dumped chemical waste into the river. In Mangotango Bay, Candace installed an underground pipe in her restaurant that spewed out pollution into the waters of the reef, causing the fish to leave.
Kitchen Scramble definitely is telling a story about why healthy foods are good for not only the people who eat them, but also for the environment. I also get the feeling that emphasizing the pollution and contamination that comes from the actions of Candace emphasizes the harm that some companies choose to do in an effort to make more money.
There’s one more thing that the above conversation between Goddess of Love and Pepper that makes me wonder. Who is Goddess of Love marrying? She hasn’t mentioned the name of her (soon-to-be) spouse. Maybe she’s officiating the marriage of an unnamed, happy, couple?
If Goddess of Love is organizing her own marriage, it makes sense to have her make all the decisions herself. Who could possibly be better at figuring out what a wedding reception needed than a Goddess of Love?
The new recipe for Level 345 is:

Greek Pizza

I got two stars on Level 345!
So far, I’ve been unable to get more than two stars on Level 345. My best guess is that I need to collect enough Kitchen Scramble bucks to purchase the Premium Gold Shawarma Machine. It works faster than the medium upgrade version, and gives three batches of Shawarma instead of two.
The new recipe for Level 356 is:

Dessert Pizza

I got three stars on Level 346!
The new recipe for Level 347 is:

Stuffed Tomato

I got three stars in Level 347!
The new recipe for Level 348 is:


I got three stars on Level 348!
The new recipes for Level 349 are:

Veggie Dolmas


I got three stars on Level 349!

I completed the “Serve 200 Gyros” Location Goal! The reward is ten Tokens. Players can earn one Token for each star they fill in on a level (for the first time). Tokens are used to get though Toll Gates, which block access to the second half of a town.
The new recipe for Level 350 is:


I got three stars on Level 350!

Fashionista: Could you make me a quick Greek Salad for lunch? I have a dress fitting soon… I’m in the bridal party for this huge wedding!

Moonshiner: You’re in the bridal party? Me too! I’m the maid of honor! Isn’t that great?

Fashionista: But, your fashion sense is so… Hang on, did you say that YOU are the maid of honor?

Moonshiner: Yep, isn’t that great?! We’ll get to spend so much time together, you and me!
The new recipe for Level 351 is:


I got three stars in Level 351!

I have now completed the first half of Phyllodelphia.
There is a Toll Booth that blocks the player from moving into the second half of Phyllodelphia. To get past it, a player must have collected a certain number of Tokens. I had enough to pass the Toll Gate.
The new recipes for Level 352 are:



I got three stars in Level 352!

Moonshiner: Gosh, you sure looked pretty in your dress. I just felt kinda funny.

Fashionista: Nonsense, dear! I admit I was surprised, but you looked so natural in the ensemble. You must model for me some time.
The new recipe for Level 353 is:

Greek Custard Pie

I got three stars in Level 353!
This level required players to serve Kreatopita to at least four customers.

I got three stars in Level 354!

Goddess of Love: The more food I sample, the harder it becomes to decide! How could it be so difficult?

Candace: How hard could it possibly be? My food is perfect. Maybe you’re the problem.

Goddess of Love: How dare you! We’ll I have finally made my decision, thanks to your attitude.
The implication here is that Goddess of Love has become so angry at Candace’s attitude that she decided that Pepper should be the one who will cater the wedding.
The new recipe for Level 355 is:

Dessert Yogurt

I got three stars in Level 355!
The new recipe for Level 356 is:


I got two stars on Level 356!

Goddess of Love: The other caterer was so rude! It’s like she believed I was not good enough for her food!

Pepper: Well, things haven’t been going her way lately. Maybe she’s just fed up.

Goddess of Love: No matter. I would be honored if you would serve your food at the wedding. It will be love at first bite!

Pepper: It would be my pleasure! And it sounds like some of my regular customers will be there too!

I got three stars on Level 357!
This level required players to serve at least three Dessert Pizzas to customers.

I got three stars on Level 358!

I got three stars on Level 359!

I got three stars on Level 360!
This level required players to serve at Greek Custard Pie to at least three customers.

I got three stars on Level 361!

I got three stars on Level 362!
In Level 362, most of the customers wanted a pizza.

I got two stars in Level 363!
In this level, players had to serve at least 15 Tzatziki to customers. This is not easy to do, in part because not all of the customers asks for Tzatzku. You can’t give customers something they didn’t ask for.

I got three stars on Level 364!

Candace: You know that old saying, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em?”

Pepper: What do you mean?

Candace: People keep choosing your food over my perfectly engineered flavors. I have to find out why!

Candace: Let’s just say you’ll be seeing more of me at the Chef Academy this spring.
Now this is interesting! Candace was once teaching at Chef Academy, but she failed all of her students, and was let go. In addition, she had a tendency to say really mean things to Pepper. Could it be that Candace is going to attend Chef Academy as a student?

By the time I was done with Phyllodolphia, I had served over 3000 customers. There is one more goal to complete – which requires serving more Baklava to customers. If I finish that one, I’ll update this blog post.

This is what the second half of Phylodophia looked like when I was finished with it.
Kitchen Scramble App: Phyllodophia is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.
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