This blog is part of my series about the Operation Gnomeregan event. It was the pre-Cataclysm event for Alliance players. My blogs focus only on the quests in this event that low level Alliance players could access.

The previous blog walked you through the “Basic Orders” quest. When you finish it, turn it back in to Captain Tread Sparknozzle. He will give you another quest called “In and Out”. The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on September 7 and 24, 2010.

Turn in the “Basic Orders” quest to Captain Tread Sparknozzle. He says: “You made it through in one piece? You have more gears than I thought!” Captain Tread Sparknozzle had little faith in your character’s ability to make it through basic training.

He gives you a new quest called “In and Out”. In short, (no pun intended) Captain Tread Sparknozzle wants you to test out the new mechano-tanks.

Captain Tread Sparknozzle: We’ve gotta get these new mechano-tanks ready for the assault. You ready to help test these bad boys out?! Of course you are!

First, we need to make sure that once you’re in, you can get out. In battle, if you think your tank is going to explode, get out!  I’ve seen many a gnome stay in ’til the bitter end… the tank blows up, and them along with it.

Well,  I’ve upgraded this tank with an ejection seat. Try it out for me, will ya?

Test out the Ejector Mechano-Tank.

See the eject button at the bottom? Hit it before the tank blows up!

After you successfully eject, go back to Captain Sparknozzle and turn it in. This time, he seems rather impressed with you. He says: “Hey, look at that!  You weren’t blown to bits!”

He has another quest for you called “One Step Forward”. This time you need to test out the servos on the left leg, the right leg, and the Automatic Evasive Maneuver system on the Scuttling Mechano-Tank.

Captain Tread Sparknozzle: With the ejection system working, I think we’re ready to test out movement. This tank has an extra special feature: Automatic Evasive Maneuvers!

I want you to check out the servos on the left leg, the right leg, and the Automatic Evasive Maneuver system.

This is easy stuff, so it shouldn’t take too long.

Test it out. You discover that it doesn’t quite work. Quick! Hit eject!

Notice the mechano-tank blowing up in the background?

Turn in the quest. Captain Sparknozzle doesn’t seem worried about the malfunctioning mechano-tanks.

Captain Tread Sparknozzle: Hmm…so the left servo was activating the right leg? But I saw the left leg moving…

Eh, details. I’ll get to that later, but two out of three things worked: That isn’t half bad!

As you might expect, Captain Tread Sparknozzle has another quest for you. It is called “Press Fire”.

Captain Tread Sparknozzle: Safety systems, online! Motor functions, functioning! Now all we need is to make sure that the guns will fire.

This shouldn’t be too hard. The mechano-tank on the hill behind us has been loaded with harmless pellets. Just fire off a couple rounds at the nearby targets and report back to me.

Get in a Shooting Mechano-Tank.

Use the buttons at the bottom to shoot. Aim for the targets.

You discover that you can’t aim. The bullets spray out everywhere! Eject before it blows up!

Return to Captain Sparknozzle one last time to turn in the quest.

Captain Tread Sparknozzle: Hmm… so the bullets had quite a bit of spread?

To some people that may be a problem…me, though, I see it as a blessing in disguise!

Our enemies will be running all over the place, so with a bit of a spread, the tank drivers won’t need to lead the target!

Always a “bright side” to things, I suppose, even Gnomish malfunctioning mechano-tanks.

The next thing you need to do is go across the way and talk to Pilot Muzzlesprock. He’s the Gnome standing next to the “Thunderflash Flying Machine”.

He gives you a quest called “Vent Horizon”.

Pilot Muzzlesprock: We thought that we could wait for the radiation to subside around Gnomeregan, but it doesn’t appear to be getting better.

If we want to take back our city, we need to make sure it’s safe for our troops to enter.

Take these Radiageigatrons, hop in ‘Thunderflash’ here, and toss them at the ventilation shafts outside of Gnomeregan. They’ll report the radiation levels directly to me.

Basically, he wants you to find out how high the radiation is in Gnomeregan. He gives you radiageigatrons to throw in the vents. Get on the helicopter… I mean “flying machine”.. by clicking on the window that appears.

Basically, he wants you to find out how high the radiation is in Gnomeregan. He gives you radiageigatrons to throw in the vents. Get on the helicopter… I mean “flying machine”.. by clicking on the window that appears.

In you go! It automatically takes off and flies a specific route around Gnomeregan.

Check it out! It’s a rogue flying a helicopter!

Nice view from up there.

Throw three radiogeigatrons into the vents of Gnomeregan as you go by. They are spewing a horrible, thick, dark, green smoke.

It automatically takes you back to Pilot Muzzlesprock.

This is the only quest that Pilot Muzzlesprock gives you.

Operation Gnomeregan! – Mechano-Tanks and Flying Machines is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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