Jack’s Fright Night Scavenger Hunt started on October 21, 2020, and ended on October 28, 2020. It is the third part is a trio of events that connected to each other. It was preceded by Jack’s Creepy Conjuring and Fishing Tourney (Potions).
The Fright-Night Scavenger Hunt had players searching for Fright-Night Gyroidites. They are used to craft a variety of items that are connected to a specific Scavenger Hunt event. This time, the Gyroidites look like pumpkins, with glowing eyes, that are wearing purple witches hats.

I turned my camper into a Halloween-themed paint job.
Fright-Night Furniture Rewards included:

fright-night streetlight

fright-night dance floor

fright-night balloons
There was also a fright-night stage, which required more fright-night gyrodites than I was able to collect. Sometimes, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp re-issues items. I might be able to buy it with Leaf Tickets if and when it reappears.
Fright-Night Clothing Rewards included:

pumpkin treat basket

purple fright-night hat

orange fright-night hat

mummy shirt

mummy pants

I don’t know who this player was, but they made really good use of the mummy shirt and pants. The King Tut helmet was not part of the Fright-Night Scavenger Hunt.
There were a few more clothing items that players could obtain. Unfortunately, they all cost more Leaf Tickets than I happened to have at the time.
There were three Happy Homeroom classes connected to the Fright-Night Scavenger Hunt:

Fright Night is the first class in the series.

This class required the fright-night streetlight, the mummy shirt, and a barrel planter.

barrel planter

Ready to start!

The highlighted boxes show where the player needed to put the required items.


Fright Night 2 class required different items than the previous class did.

Ready to start!

This class required the orange fright-night hat, fright-night balloons, and a candelabra. It also wanted the fright-night dress but I didn’t have enough Leaf Tickets to buy it.

The highlighted boxes are the ones that show the items that the player needed to place. I swapped the fright-night dress with the trick-or-treat dress. Close enough?

I got two stars in this class, instead of three.

Fright Night 3 is the final class in this series.
This class required several of the same items that were part of the previous two classes. It wanted the fright-night dress and the fright-night stage – which I still didn’t have. For some reason, a cheese tart was also a required item.

Ready to start Fright Night 3 class!

The highlighted areas are the ones where the player had to put an item into.

Good enough!

I ended up with a total of seven ribbons. Not bad, considering there were items I didn’t have!

Cyrus can make things that the player wants to use. From memory, I think this item may have come from some of the reissued Halloween items.

After obtaining more of the things that the third class required – I improved and got more ribbons.

Jack: What’s this? You still have some magic hat bats and presto pumpkins left over?!
Jack: I’ve got places to brighten, moods to lighten… and lots of folks to frighten! Hee hee hee!”
Jack: Well dear subject, it is time for your monarch to bid you a very fond farewell.
Jack: Very well- I shall happily relieve you of them!
(Jack is referring to the hat bats and presto pumpkins that were left over.)

This is the outcome the third set of classes connected to this event.

Jack: Have a happy Halloween!
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp – Jack’s Fright-Night Scavenger Hunt is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.